Board index PBase PaD Discussion Back from India

PaD Discussion

Back from India

discuss photo-a-day projects
Posts: 613
Location: Palatine, IL

Back from India

Post Tue Jun 29, 2004 12:21 pm

Hey all,
I am back from my 3 week trip to India and I am back as an engaged man. Yup I got engaged to my girlfriend of five years and it was the most amazing weekend ever. In India we have a traditional function for the engagement.

You can see the pictures at

They will be mostly family pictures but if you look through the 3rd and 4th gallery you will see a lot of traditions. feel free to email me about them.

I am also very sorry that I couldn't keep up with anyone's pad. The connection at home was really bad and I spent as much time with Shwetha as I could. I promise to look through all the pad photos.

I tried to keep my pad updated too, and now I am happy that it is back to order. Just one day on the 26th I had to use a pic that I took on the day before but Since I was on a flight back the whole day I couldn't help it. I am sorry about that.
Please go through my PaD and leave your comments on my India pics.

So here's to PaD.
Looking forward to the everyday fun and discussion of this amazing PaD community.


Board index PBase PaD Discussion Back from India

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