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Idea for PAD FEB 2021

discuss photo-a-day projects
Posts: 2785

Idea for PAD FEB 2021

Post Mon Feb 01, 2021 4:29 pm

What do you think about doing a month of pictures on TOOLS
Including anything used to do something including kitchen, garage,
You get the idea ? What do you think?

Posts: 3301
Location: San Diego, California

Re: Idea for PAD FEB 2021

Post Mon Feb 01, 2021 6:41 pm

Based on the sparse participation the last three months, I will pass. This is really unfortunate because 10-12 years ago these challenges were a lot of fun with a lot of participation, both posting and commenting. I guess those days are long gone.
Walter Otto Koenig Architectural Photography:

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Pacific Photographic Society:

Posts: 1898

Re: Idea for PAD FEB 2021

Post Mon Feb 01, 2021 7:00 pm

It is really too bad about the sparse participation. The first one I took part in was about 9 years ago I think, and it had dozens and dozens of participants, and was a lot of fun. I wonder why those days are over??

Posts: 3301
Location: San Diego, California

Re: Idea for PAD FEB 2021

Post Mon Feb 01, 2021 7:08 pm

laroseforest wrote:It is really too bad about the sparse participation. The first one I took part in was about 9 years ago I think, and it had dozens and dozens of participants, and was a lot of fun. I wonder why those days are over??

I don't want to hijack Carol's post, but I can tell you why those days are over. When you look back at the challenges from about ten years ago you will notice that most of the photographers who participated are no longer on PBase. Based on the list of contacts I have, I estimate that over 80% of them have left PBase.
I will be happy to participate, but not when you, Mieke and I are the only ones posting every day. I might as well just comment on your images. No challenge needed.
Walter Otto Koenig Architectural Photography:

General Photography:

Pacific Photographic Society:

Posts: 2785

Re: Idea for PAD FEB 2021

Post Mon Feb 01, 2021 8:05 pm

All, so true! Thanks for responding. We can just post on pictures— whatever I’d posted. Blessings.

Posts: 666

Re: Idea for PAD FEB 2021

Post Tue Feb 02, 2021 12:57 am

I have to apologize as while I want to participate, I'm overwhelmed at the moment. I'm distracted by so many things and also rarely leave the house (winter is hard for me here in Upstate NY). I also agree that we've lost a lot of the regulars over the last few years (I myself was one of them). It was so much fun years ago when we had more participants. Sooo...I know that life got really busy for me but why did the others stop posting on Pbase? Shall we brainstorm and figure out how to reconnect and rejuvenate Pbase?

Posts: 3525

Re: Idea for PAD FEB 2021

Post Tue Feb 02, 2021 9:47 am

The decline in participants started already back a couple of years ago.
Which Is such a pity I think. But the concurrence of photowebsitehs is big I noticed.
Participating in the forum has brought me so much since I joined in 2005
Improving my photo technics, made worldwide friends and most important Pbase helped me also through difficult times.
It will be a pity, when we lose the forum...
This month I will put colour photos or photos with colour. I need some pep up. Mieke
A (wo)man should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture every day of his/her life, in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beautiful. (free to J.W. von Goethe)

Posts: 2354

Re: Idea for PAD FEB 2021

Post Tue Feb 02, 2021 6:01 pm

I agree many things roll over and change in the blink of an eye and yes some of the familiar faces have gone but along the way we've made new friends. I've been doing these challenges since the time they started. I joined Pbase in 2004 and though we may not complete the whole month there is no need to stop posting to the forum. Carol I like your tool ideas and Mieke your colours.
Perhaps it's the word " Challenge " we need to change. I honestly have no idea if we can lure people back though. You keep posting and I will keep commenting. I've done it now for almost 18 years and no plans to stop as long as Pbase keeps going.

Posts: 2017

Re: Idea for PAD FEB 2021

Post Thu Feb 04, 2021 5:34 pm

Agreed it has been such fun over the years, like Laine I have been a member for nearly 18 years and have made many friends and have met some of them.
I have been dilatory over the last two or three years, why I’m not sure but still feel, for me, that Pbase is the site for me.
The support has been very welcome over the years in so many ways both personally and photographically speaking.
Thank you to all my Pbase friends for your generous comments.

Posts: 954

Re: Idea for PAD FEB 2021

Post Fri Feb 19, 2021 1:23 am

Sorry folks, but old age caught up with me. I find it hard to get out these days. My Canon became heavier, and though I changed to a lightweight superzoom, I found that most of the time I left it on 'auto'. Looking back, my photos were much better 20 years ago! I finally got a bit embarassed about how poor and uninspired everything was... Winter hasn't helped, neither has the overworked wifi I struggle with. Maybe when it's warmer and I can get out again?

Posts: 1809
Location: Walnut Creek, CA

Re: Idea for PAD FEB 2021

Post Fri Feb 19, 2021 2:47 am

Needing some inspiration to do some shooting, thought I would check out the PAD and maybe get involved for a month or 2 only to see this thread. Pbase was a great social place to share and talk photos. Now I think social media platforms such as FB have taken over. I had fun participating in the PAD and PAW, though not every month. I participate in my community photo club but they are mostly just competitions though the judges do give good critiques so a good place to learn.

Wonder if just a Photo-a-Week would get some participants. I remember the Friday self portraits and that was quite fun & popular. I find I spend more time on Facebook in the Beading groups since I took up beading about 5 years ago. So I suspect some folks have gone to photo groups on FB. Lots left pbase as the platform was stagnant and any technical problems seemed not to be addressed in a timely manner leaving people frustrated.
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