Board index PBase PaD Discussion Ideas for SEPTEMBER Challenge

PaD Discussion

Ideas for SEPTEMBER Challenge

discuss photo-a-day projects
Posts: 1898

Re: Ideas for SEPTEMBER Challenge

Post Thu Aug 30, 2018 9:19 pm

I really like the scavenger hunt theme too. I also like the idea of the haiku challenge we did some time ago (several times I think) as mentioned by Chris. In fact, I like all the ideas posted so far, and I think that everyone doing their own theme or 'spin' as Lynn says, on the hunt is great too. Lots to choose from. I'm happy with any and all themes that are chosen for Sept. I also like the idea we can choose photos from our archives because sometimes an older photo can fit a topic so well.

Posts: 2689

Re: Ideas for SEPTEMBER Challenge

Post Thu Aug 30, 2018 10:40 pm

My ideas:

a local sign


Posts: 2354

Re: Ideas for SEPTEMBER Challenge

Post Fri Aug 31, 2018 5:27 am

Good list there and ideas to include anything form the last 2 lists...this is all about keeping us good to have the newcomers and those returning after a break.
I am going to be absent on and off but will post at least most of September I hope.

August was a lot of fun...even from a sick bed :(


Board index PBase PaD Discussion Ideas for SEPTEMBER Challenge

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