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Sandsculptures Unleashed

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Posts: 46

Sandsculptures Unleashed

Post Wed Sep 24, 2003 4:06 pm

Each year, the World Championship Sandsculpture Competition is held in Harrison Hot Springs, BC, Canada. The sculptures are created entirely of sand, and remain on the beach throughout Sept and October. Trying to shoot these sculptures without shooting the numerous tourists, and sculpting parahenalia is no easy task, but Photshop does help with these issues. Any feedback is greatly appreciated - Tracy!

Posts: 13

sand images

Post Thu Sep 25, 2003 2:07 pm

You did a wonderful job of capturing the feel of the sculptures. Thanks. It sure makes me want to be there. Ed...

Posts: 46

Post Thu Sep 25, 2003 3:22 pm

Thanks Ed - it was difficult to capture each sculpture with just one image, which is why I did them in sets of three. I'm not really sure if they can be classified as triptychs...? ... any takers on that one? Cheers - Tracy!

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