Board index PBase News New Feature: Statistics Pages


New Feature: Statistics Pages

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Posts: 745

New Feature: Statistics Pages

Post Thu Jun 08, 2006 7:50 pm

The statistics pages have arrived! Go to your statistics page at
You can also get there from the "view full statistics" link on your profile page.

By default, you will see your aggregate statistics page. Here, you can:
- See a graph of your total image and gallery daily page views over the past 30 days.
- See a list of your 20 most viewed images and galleries in the past 3 days.

Gallery stats page:
- See a graph of daily page views for this gallery over the past 30 days.
- See a list of the top 20 most viewed images and subgalleries inside this gallery over the past 3 days.

Image Stats page:
- See a graph of daily page views for this image over the past 30 days.

Click on any date in the aggregate and gallery graphs to see your 20 most viewed images and galleries for that specific day.
Click on any of the galleries or images listed to see the stats page for that particular item.

View statistics for any gallery or image by clicking the "view full statistics" link at the bottom of the gallery or image page.
Statistics for the current day will be available shortly after the day change on PBase clocks, which are on UTC.

We will be adding monthly graphs to the pages soon.


Posts: 238

Post Thu Jun 08, 2006 7:59 pm

Really cool! Thanks a lot.
I really do appreciate if you could leave a comment. Constructive criticism is always welcome.

Cheers, Jorma

You'll never get out of this life alive.

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Posts: 598

Post Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:03 pm

This is a project we've been working for years but never went online, mainly for database performance reasons.
I've redone the backend part several times which takes care of how all the stats are stored and queried.
Finally I arrived at what seems to be an efficient solution, and Emily took over the user interface part so you can actually view the numbers.

But the real reason we can do this now is we now have a dedicated database server doing nothing but the stats. It's a Quad CPU, 16GB ram, lots of disks.
A dedicated server is necessary for this because of the large amounts of data needed to keep stats for millions of images individually. We couldn't put this online before and risk slowing down the rest of the site just for the statistics.

These pages should be able to answer the question "Which photos/galleries are people looking at"
The other related question people have is "Where are these people coming from?"
This we don't have the tools to answer for you yet. It's far more work for the database to store this kind of information. But if things are going well with the current features, we'll start working on ways to expand them.


Posts: 10

Post Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:15 pm

Very VERY cool indeed. I've some experience in programming databases (and stats from them) myself, so I might know what you've been through with this one. ;)

Thanks a lot, Emily and slug! Keep on rocking! :D

- Don [:-], who really appreciates all the effort and progress that goes into pbase and therefore is a really happy fee payer.

Posts: 25


Post Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:30 pm

thank for this feature.
for how long do you keep stats ? 1 month ?

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Posts: 598

Post Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:34 pm

We don't know yet how long we will keep stats.

Currently online we have stats going back to 11-Feb-2006 and these will be accessible as soon as we finish up the monthly graphs.

At first I was thinking that we would keep just 1 month of daily stats, and then keep just monthly stats. But sometimes it would be nice to see daily stats from more than 1 month ago.
So database capacity permitting, we will keep the daily stats as long as possible.


Posts: 707

Post Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:57 pm

WOW - cool indeed - thanks!

Posts: 6

Post Thu Jun 08, 2006 9:05 pm

ooh ohh very nice guys!!
Keep up the good work...

Question or more of a thought.. For the "Where are these people coming from? / what country, what web browser etc.." thing. Couldn’t you pull this information from a server web log and write it to a file. (say xml or html) so the user can view this info with out overloading the database server..?? ..just a thought

anyway nice feature.

Posts: 561

Post Thu Jun 08, 2006 9:22 pm

It would fun to get a top 10 for all time views
Alexandre Trudeau-Dion aka ALEXPHOTOS <===

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Posts: 598

Post Thu Jun 08, 2006 9:38 pm

Yes we could. But whether it's stored in a plain text file, xml file, or some kind of RDBMS, they are all databases and affected by the same problem of huge amounts of data.

Right now the weblogs just for page views (not images) generate about 75GB/month of server logs. All the logs for the actual images are nearly 10 times that amount, but we don't even keep those.

So while it's very possible, it's more than just writing the software. It will take a significant amount of hardware to do the job quickly and reliably. One site I noticed recently was charging for this service starting at $6.95/month. Personally I think that's way overpriced, but there's a reason they charge for it.

Anyway, statistics complete with referring sites would be valuable, or at least fun, and we'll tackle this problem as soon as we can.


Posts: 128

you both are the best...

Post Thu Jun 08, 2006 9:46 pm

:o :D :lol: !!!!!!!!
i am one happy lady..
THANKS EMILY and SLUG for the amazing statistics...
it is interesting..
you both are the best..BEST...BEST
administrators i know...
i am enjoying my time here at pbase...
to my surprise it just keeps getting better and better..;-)
warm..(finally) regards from sweden

Posts: 14

Post Thu Jun 08, 2006 9:51 pm

This is amazing, such an interesting and informative feature. Thank you so much. Mmmm, just a thought, I'm going to be spending even more time on pbase checking out the stats......

Posts: 664

Post Thu Jun 08, 2006 10:03 pm

Yes, thanks this is very helpful.--Rene

Posts: 56

Post Thu Jun 08, 2006 10:42 pm

This is great. Thank you both.

Posts: 51

Now hold a minute! This ain't right or I don't know....

Post Thu Jun 08, 2006 11:38 pm

....what I'm looking at.

On one day May 19 my graph says I had 20331 and one gallery shows the number '747' beside. Two things.
1. It is password protected and when I look in it it has 3 page views and each photo shows 1 ot 2 hits only.
2. The photos in the gallery in question weren't taken until JUne 4 so it is impossible for it to be seen is May.

Maybe I'm not seeing something.


Board index PBase News New Feature: Statistics Pages

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