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New member first post. McNally Fire.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2003 8:14 pm
by toebig
Hi all

I don't consider myself to be a photographer, just someone who loves the outdoors and is trying to learn photography. Please check these photos of the "McNally Fire 14 months later" and let me know what you think of the content (not the technique, although hints would be appreciated).



PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2003 1:59 am
by sheila
Coming from a country which copes every year with devastating bushfires, I can appreciate your images. I am surprised that the damage is still evident some 14 months after the event. I guess the Australian bush thrives on fires (its the only way some plants will germinate) as within weeks of terrible fires here, the trees shoot emergency leaves and somehow survive the firestorms. In the summer of 1994, we had over 200 individual bushfires burning in New South Wales alone! Less than a year later, you would never know it ever happened!
