Board index PBase Show and Tell 658th Show & Tell Competition: Unusual processing, equipment or approaches

Show and Tell

658th Show & Tell Competition: Unusual processing, equipment or approaches

Announce and discuss your photos.
Posts: 161

658th Show & Tell Competition: Unusual processing, equipment or approaches

Post Thu Jan 26, 2023 1:53 am

Theme: Unusual processing, equipment or approaches.

Processing: e.g., Sabattier, toning, infrared, UV, photoshop...;
Equipment: scanner, lensbaby, pinhole, slit or zoneplate lens, fogged lens, Vaseline on lens...;
Approaches: e.g., interesting accident, conceptual; unusual framing, perspective, composition; projection of images on subject...

Please share your thoughts on how you created the image. Examples:

Fusion: light shining on vases: pinhole image. Flashed Polaroid 667 film with Flash mid-processing (Sabattier)

Walking on Water (crosswalk imaged with homemade slit lens (foil slit by razor blade))

Hand Jive (moving hands over scanner during scanning)

My Main Squeeze Frida (Image of Frida Kahlo projected onto apple)

Hidden (Hanoi Park - infrared image)

The Big Easy - New Orleans (zone plate image)

Post Marked (conceptual)

Submissions will be closed on Thursday the 2nd of February 2023 at 1:53:00 UTC

Posting Photos for a Contest
1. Photos must be hosted on
2. Maximum of 3 photos per contest.
3. Photos must be embedded in your post. See the following link for how to do this
4. Post only medium versions of your picture using the PB-Image button
5. The host is not eligible for their own contest.
6. Any picture you've taken is eligible, regardless of date taken and camera, as long as it hasn't already won another contest.
7. You can do all the post processing you want.

Winning and Running a Contest
1. If you enter the Show and Tell Contest, please note the closing date and be sure to check back to see if you won.
2. If you win the Show and Tell Contest and cannot run the next one, please notify the person running the contest immediately, so they can notify the second place winner.
3. If you decide to run the next contest, please post the new contest within 24 hours.
4. When the contest ends, please post the winners within 24-48 hours. (If you keep an eye on entries during the week, you will have a good idea of your favorites by the time the contest ends, and be able to more quickly post your winners.)
5. If you know you will not be able to post a contest, judge it, and post winners, within these timeframes, please do not start one. Instead, notify the person running the contest, so they can pass it on to the second place winner.
6. Pick first, second, and third place winners. You may include up to 5 honorable mentions.
7. Include these rules in the body of your contest.

Competition History available at

Posts: 658

658th Show & Tell Competition: Unusual processing, equipment or approaches

Post Thu Jan 26, 2023 4:07 am

Infra-red thermal camera software filter applied using Nik Color-Efex Pro
Japanese Garden, Portland Oregon
Original unfiltered un-cropped image:

Special effect created by zooming the lens while shooting photo -- mud flat patterns in Death Valley, CA

Photoshop filter applied to California sunset and trees

Posts: 515

658th Show & Tell Competition: Unusual processing, equipment or approaches

Post Thu Jan 26, 2023 5:17 am

An old photo from 2002, taken with my first digital camera, a Kodak DC265, three images merged into one.

Another photo merge, two images of a couple of corporate drones walking by the street art (Hosier lane, Melbourne) without paying the slightest attention to what surrounds them.

A background desaturation
Last edited by jarekm on Fri Jan 27, 2023 5:46 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 1039

Re: 658th Show & Tell Competition: Unusual processing, equipment or approaches

Post Fri Jan 27, 2023 12:58 am

PBase cubed: an uploaded image in an uploaded image in an uploaded image

Mistaken effect while learning how to take merged images in camera

Overlaying a classic view of Philadelphia on background of clouds taken from an airplane, for a dream-like image

Posts: 1417

Re: 658th Show & Tell Competition: Unusual processing, equipment or approaches

Post Fri Jan 27, 2023 9:03 pm

skunk cabbage
tripod; neutral density filter, long exposure, work the zoom step-wise during the exposure.

tripod; neutral density filter, long exposure, work the zoom step-wise during the exposure.

10 fps high speed; blended in Photoshop

Posts: 3303
Location: San Diego, California

658th Show & Tell Competition: Unusual processing, equipment or approaches

Post Sat Jan 28, 2023 9:03 pm

Sparks are created by steel wool which is set on fire, attached to a whisk, attached to a line, and then spun.

Light sticks which blink in different colors.

(See first image)
Walter Otto Koenig Architectural Photography:

General Photography:

Pacific Photographic Society:

Posts: 356
Location: Outer Sydney, Australia

Re: 658th Show & Tell Competition: Unusual processing, equipment or approaches

Post Sun Jan 29, 2023 12:27 am

Seven pictures of one kestrel, put together using GIMP

My wife and me before we were married

Radially blurred duck

Posts: 920

658th Show & Tell Competition: Unusual processing, equipment or approaches

Post Sun Jan 29, 2023 5:15 am

I can never remember what I did with photos - this had to be layers.

Again, not sure, but looks like a treatment using Topaz Studio

Pretty sure this was usinsg Topaz Studio watercolour treatment.


Posts: 265

Re: 658th Show & Tell Competition: Unusual processing, equipment or approaches

Post Mon Jan 30, 2023 7:23 pm

Taken open shutter in dark room.
Strobe triggered by microphone on stand.
Position of microphone used to control where bullet was in the shot.
Found out how it worked when the film was developed.
If you look really close you can see the bullet on the right.

Posts: 5648

Re: 658th Show & Tell Competition: Unusual processing, equipment or approaches

Post Mon Jan 30, 2023 11:54 pm

Oil painting effect in Photoshop.

Changing the focal length, at long exposure.

Spinning with my camera pointed at the tops of trees.

Posts: 436

658th Show & Tell Competition: Unusual processing, equipment or approaches

Post Tue Jan 31, 2023 5:08 am

Long exposure at dusk on a snowy evening.

Long exposure as wind lashed the oak tree.

Long exposure of surf lapping around rocks.

Board index PBase Show and Tell 658th Show & Tell Competition: Unusual processing, equipment or approaches

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