Board index PBase Show and Tell 648th Show & Tell Competition: (Un)conventional Black and White

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648th Show & Tell Competition: (Un)conventional Black and White

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Posts: 218

648th Show & Tell Competition: (Un)conventional Black and White

Post Thu Oct 20, 2022 10:42 pm

Hi All,
obviously it's a challenge in itself to find a theme as original as possible, and given the history of S&T, I had no hope of finding a theme that had never been submitted before.
However, we haven't had a Black and White theme for a long time, and I thought it would be interesting to reflect on why we choose either to snap in B&W or convert to B&W in post-processing.
There has been years of debate on colour vs B&W, and there are some conventional reasons to use B&W, like to stress structure or shapes, but also some cases where choosing to use B&W can go against usual logic.
So if you're keen to add a few words about your thought process when using B&W for your capture, that would be great.
Hope you will enjoy the topic.

Some examples

I have thought the skies in many places in Asia not rendering great in colour, and that's probably the main reason I have selected B&W for this one.

These flowers have a beautiful pink center but here the impact from the contrast in B&W convinced me to keep it.

Here is a more classical example of B&W use, being an historical site I thought that B&W would suit better.

Submissions will be closed on Thursday the 27th of October 2022 at 22:42:26 UTC

Posting Photos for a Contest
1. Photos must be hosted on
2. Maximum of 3 photos per contest.
3. Photos must be embedded in your post. See the following link for how to do this
4. Post only medium versions of your picture using the PB-Image button
5. The host is not eligible for their own contest.
6. Any picture you've taken is eligible, regardless of date taken and camera, as long as it hasn't already won another contest.
7. You can do all the post processing you want.

Winning and Running a Contest
1. If you enter the Show and Tell Contest, please note the closing date and be sure to check back to see if you won.
2. If you win the Show and Tell Contest and cannot run the next one, please notify the person running the contest immediately, so they can notify the second place winner.
3. If you decide to run the next contest, please post the new contest within 24 hours.
4. When the contest ends, please post the winners within 24-48 hours. (If you keep an eye on entries during the week, you will have a good idea of your favorites by the time the contest ends, and be able to more quickly post your winners.)
5. If you know you will not be able to post a contest, judge it, and post winners, within these timeframes, please do not start one. Instead, notify the person running the contest, so they can pass it on to the second place winner.
6. Pick first, second, and third place winners. You may include up to 5 honorable mentions.
7. Include these rules in the body of your contest.

Competition History available at

Posts: 515

648th Show & Tell Competition: (Un)conventional Black and White

Post Fri Oct 21, 2022 4:18 am

A hard choice:

I've picked a triptych of the Melbourne Premier Tower building, its architecture is said to be influenced by "...Beyoncé music video that captures the curves of the human form".

I think the building silhouette is well-suited to be presented with monochrome images as the colour, the sky etc. do not distract from the building's unusual shape.

Last edited by jarekm on Mon Oct 24, 2022 2:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 658

648th Show & Tell Competition: (Un)conventional Black and White

Post Fri Oct 21, 2022 7:17 pm

A reprise of the famous Grand Central Station shafts-of-light photo: ... nlight.jpg

In the color version, the mid-tones get a bit muddy:
I find the tonal variations much more pleasing and nuanced in B&W.

The color version of this one is also nice, the tones are softer:
In B&W, there is crisp contrast between the white ice and the black sand, and the tonal differences on the water are more striking to me.

Posts: 161

Re: 648th Show & Tell Competition: (Un)conventional Black and White

Post Fri Oct 21, 2022 11:00 pm

Black Tie Affair: I like how the treatment brings out the detail/tones and conveys the regal-like nature of the animal.

Vera: An accidental shot. Simple light bulb shining on a simple arrangement. Very minimalist. Conveys so many emotions.

And Time Quickly Passed: An accident in darkroom processing gives the effect of flowing time. Makes me think of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams.

Posts: 3303
Location: San Diego, California

Re: 648th Show & Tell Competition: (Un)conventional Black and White

Post Sat Oct 22, 2022 12:02 am

City Lights: An installation at the Los Angeles Museum of Art made of old street lights.

Mausoleum, Jardin Pantheon Cemetery, Tijuana

Walt Disney Concert Hall, Los Angeles - It was the leaf that made me take this shot.
Walter Otto Koenig Architectural Photography:

General Photography:

Pacific Photographic Society:

Posts: 920

Re: 648th Show & Tell Competition: (Un)conventional Black and White

Post Sat Oct 22, 2022 5:30 am


Posts: 356
Location: Outer Sydney, Australia

Re: 648th Show & Tell Competition: (Un)conventional Black and White

Post Sun Oct 23, 2022 12:16 am

Posts: 1417

Re: 648th Show & Tell Competition: (Un)conventional Black and White

Post Sun Oct 23, 2022 1:51 am

green filter
I use filters in black and white to create graphic effects...

same image, but with the blue filter.... it really changes the picture. you can't do this in color....

this only works in B&W, emphasizing the light dark stripes on the tray and the swirls on the coffee

Posts: 436

648th Show & Tell Competition: (Un)conventional Black and White

Post Sun Oct 23, 2022 3:17 am

The oaks are nearly colorless without leaves but the buildings and homes in the background are brightly colored. Shifting to B & W emphasizes the oaks.

Shifting to B&W provides an ethereal blending of subject and background emphasizing Rory's face.

B&W creates interest by making it difficult to separate branches from reflections.
Last edited by peterschmidtab on Tue Oct 25, 2022 4:51 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 335

Re: 648th Show & Tell Competition: (Un)conventional Black and White

Post Mon Oct 24, 2022 3:42 am

Going for a Alfred Hitchcock mood on this one in black and white (think the birds) ....

Going for a 70's or 80's album cover vibe ....

Giving it the Ansel Adams treatment ....

Posts: 1809
Location: Walnut Creek, CA

Re: 648th Show & Tell Competition: (Un)conventional Black and White

Post Mon Oct 24, 2022 4:48 pm

contrast make textures and shapes show up better

makes for a mysterious image

in color the eye was attracted more to the arm and hand
Cits 4 Pets where Happy Pets Go with the Flo
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Posts: 502

Re: 648th Show & Tell Competition: (Un)conventional Black and White

Post Wed Oct 26, 2022 7:22 am

Posts: 5648

648th Show & Tell Competition: (Un)conventional Black and White

Post Wed Oct 26, 2022 11:42 pm

Board index PBase Show and Tell 648th Show & Tell Competition: (Un)conventional Black and White

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