Board index PBase Show and Tell 605th Show & Tell Competition: Industry - WINNER

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605th Show & Tell Competition: Industry - WINNER

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Posts: 3303
Location: San Diego, California


Post Tue Sep 28, 2021 7:20 pm

Great submissions for this one and quite a variety too. First the HM's in no particular order.

Luxun54, Cool perspective with the sign. Like the lighting and tones.

Gill, Very nicely isolated. I like the lgihting and background.

Hugh, Like the complexity in this image. So well chosen these images and how they go together so well.

Third Place: Margaret, "The Hams Rest" Really like the moody lighting and all the hams hanging there.

Second Place: Ken, The repeating patterns and this perspective make for a fascinating image.

First Place: Arnie, Really like the subject and the use of b&w. Great how the Gas Works completely dominate the image from top to bottom. Nice complexity too. Over to you now.

Good luck posting. I had some problems posting this competition, but Emily helped out and responded quickly.
Walter Otto Koenig Architectural Photography:

General Photography:

Pacific Photographic Society:

Posts: 721

Re: 605th Show & Tell Competition: Industry - WINNER

Post Tue Sep 28, 2021 9:43 pm

Great choices -- congratulations to all and a big thanks for the third place award!


Posts: 1039

Re: 605th Show & Tell Competition: Industry - WINNER

Post Tue Sep 28, 2021 11:15 pm

Nice original topic for the Forum. Wonderful shot Arnie that really fits well for the theme. Thank you Walter for the second-place and congrats to all other entrants

Posts: 161

Re: 605th Show & Tell Competition: Industry - WINNER

Post Tue Sep 28, 2021 11:36 pm

Thank you for the HM! Great images everybody.

Posts: 658

Re: 605th Show & Tell Competition: Industry - WINNER

Post Wed Sep 29, 2021 12:04 am

Thanks for the HM, many fine entries and great winning shots.

Posts: 436

Re: 605th Show & Tell Competition: Industry - WINNER

Post Wed Sep 29, 2021 5:46 am

Thank you very much for the honor Walter. Excellent variety of entries, thanks to all the participants. I will start working on the next theme. Cheers, Arnie

Posts: 920

Re: 605th Show & Tell Competition: Industry - WINNER

Post Wed Sep 29, 2021 4:14 pm

Congrats to Arnie and other winners - great entries ! And, many thanks for the HM.

Board index PBase Show and Tell 605th Show & Tell Competition: Industry - WINNER

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