Currently, the standard format for a new contest has been
###th Show & Tell Competition: Contest Theme
Description of contest which may include example photos.
Date and time that contest will end.
Previous contest themes and winning images.
From now on, I would like contest hosts to only have to enter
Contest Theme
Description of contest which may include example photos.
Everything else will be added by the forum automatically.
There have been difficulties in the past with posting the links to previous winning images because phpBB abbreviates long urls. When the new host attempts to copy and paste the shortened links, they are broken because they end up copying the "..." instead of the missing portion of url.
This will not be a problem anymore because from now on, rules and winners will first be updated and then added automatically to the end of the new contest post.
Also, the "##th Show & Tell Competition: " will be added to the beginning of the subject automatically, so from now on, you will only need to enter the theme name into the subject line.
The thread will then automatically lock itself after the allotted time of the contest. As of now, my plan is to set the amount of time for each contest at exactly one week(604,800 seconds, not at the end of the day a week from the post date). The previous two contests have lasted closer to 10 days. Would you rather that be the time limit for contests? Either is fine by me, so I'm asking for input on that.
After the contest has closed and been locked, the host will be allowed to post a WINNER thread. There will be no place to enter the subject for the post. The subject will automatically be set to "##th Show & Tell Competition: (Contest Theme) - WINNER". Instead of a place for a subject, they will find a drop down menu which includes every username of anyone that posted an embedded photo in their contest. When they select the winner, the thumbnails of the photos that were embedded in that user's posts will show up with radio buttons. The host will then simply select the winning photo.
I've still got some bugs to work out with regards to editing contests and a few other things, but tell me what you think. It should be possible to start this at the beginning of the next contest.