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Changing thumbnail size

PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 4:36 pm
by jklofft
How do I change the default thumbnail size? Thanks.


Thumbnail size

PostPosted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 10:23 am
by robert
Cannot change!

Re: Changing thumbnail size

PostPosted: Sun Jul 25, 2004 1:04 am
by arjunrc
jklofft wrote:How do I change the default thumbnail size? Thanks.


First off, nice gallery :-)

With respect to thumbnail size, as far as I know, pbase has a maximum limit on how big a thumbnail size can be. If you want to play around "within" that size , limit its possible, albeit with a bit of trickery.

Here is what you do - for each gallery, you upload a "thumbnail" sized picture - which is less than or equal to the pbase thumbnail size limit. You make this image hidden and set it as a representative

The advantage is that you can then decide how exactly you want to dimension it and not rely on pbase's thumbnail scaling. Also, it allows you to do different things that dont show up in the displayed images inside.

As an example, I have added the text of each thumbnail within the images in my root gallery and have not used the gallery naming display.
