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Any innovative ideas for gallery thumbnail reorganization ?

PostPosted: Fri Apr 23, 2004 10:19 pm
by arjunrc
please see

Here is what I want: there are two galleries 'Favourites' and 'Retouching Experiments' that If possible, Id like to display in their own 'column' and the rest of the galleries in the usual fashion. Basically ,for me , these two galleries are 'generic' and will keep adding new pictures inside them. The layout I am looking for is like this:

Code: Select all
        X X X 
    F   X X X
    R   X X X
        X X X

where F = Favourites gallery and R = retouching gallery and X are the other galleries.

Is there any innovative way to display this way.

If not, can anyone suggest another layout format where my 'Favourites' and 'Retouching' galleries can be shown differently from other galleries in the root page ?


Never Mind - found an acceptable soln.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2004 2:59 am
by arjunrc
Thanks !

PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2004 5:20 am
by ilanphoto
could you share the solution with us


PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2004 12:05 pm
by arjunrc
ilanphoto wrote:could you share the solution with us


Greetings Ilan,
Sorry for not posting the solution. I got it working in the wee hours and needed to sleep :-)

Anyway, the solution is far less elegant than I wanted. Here goes.

1. I marked these 2 special galleries as 'Private' so they would not show up (Note, mark only the galleries private, not all the images)

2. In the CSS section, I created a new class called 'specialthumbnail' and defined the look I want for these special galleries

3. In the Description part of the root gallery, at the end, I simply added HTML code to reshow these special galleries, under a class="speciagallery" tag.

This way, my special galleries can have a completely different layout, color scheme from my other galleries.

The disadvantages:
1. The solution is not scalable for many special galleries - best kept to less numbers (but then, why would anyone have many special galleries :-)

2. You need to manually change the representative images of these special galleries if you want to change it later, since remember you are manually showing them - pbase is not.

3. When you are logged in, the hidden galleries will show in the regular thumbnail space too (I can live with it, since I want these effects for people who visit my gallery, I dont really mind if _I_ see those galleries


Further help needed from CSS Experts

PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2004 3:22 pm
by arjunrc
now that Ive found a way to isolate my special galleries from the regular galleries, I need CSS help. My knowledge of CSS is minimal, so here are some questions:

1. Is it possible to have a 2 column split in CSS with my class special_galleries floating on the left ?

2. Any innovative layout ideas ?


PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2004 7:32 pm
by arjunrc
Guess I am just talking to myself !

Any comments on my new layout ?

Any suggestions for improvements ? I got tired of the black scheme thats so commonly used by everyone. So I simplified (credit: inspired mostly by Ian Chapel's page)


PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2004 8:40 pm
by alangrant
I like the layout, it's a nice clean look. And the separation of the two special galleries works well. I had thought about this previously as I also have two galleries I would like to separate from the rest, but I hadn't come up with a solution.

Two comments:

- In IE your image captions are centered under the image, but in Mozilla the caption displays right up against the left edge of the page which I think looks a bit untidy. If you want the caption in the centre I think you could try either removing the "width" property from the .caption style, or else adding {margin-left: auto; margin-right-auto}.

- I wondered about gallery titles. You seem to be using the directory name as the gallery title. To me "A Night in San Diego" would look better than "a_night_in_san_diego". However that's a very minor point of personal taste so feel free to ignore it.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2004 8:54 pm
by arjunrc
Thanks for the feedback Alan.

Fixed that mozilla discrepency - did not notice it before.

With respect to the "_" yes, that was intentional. The Nissan advt.
of "shift_DRIVE shift_INSPIRATION" remained in my mind, I guess !


PostPosted: Wed Apr 28, 2004 6:11 am
by ilanphoto
arjunrc wrote:Guess I am just talking to myself !

Any comments on my new layout ?

Any suggestions for improvements ? I got tired of the black scheme thats so commonly used by everyone. So I simplified (credit: inspired mostly by Ian Chapel's page)


This is probably the nicest and cleanest gallery I have ever seen on Pbase I only wish I had the eye to be able to set up such a page - and the HTML knowledge

Well done

PostPosted: Wed Apr 28, 2004 2:47 pm
by wedeking
Nicely done Arjun,

I use a similar tecnique for some of my private galleries. For instance, I have three galleries from my company's annual picnics, all set to private. Instead of having to send out three addresses, I wanted to create one gallery, and have the three as sub galleries. I set up the gallery and sub gallery structure, but since they're set to private, the sub-galleries don't show up to anyone but me.

I just copied the gallery table from page source and pasted into the gallery description field. (Editing the addresses so that they don't contain specific server address, just the generic pbase address)

Like you, I see the galleries listed twice when I'm logged in, but everyone else just see's them once.


PostPosted: Wed Apr 28, 2004 3:22 pm
by arjunrc
Hi Greg and Ilan,
thanks for your comments.

Greg - nice to know you use a similar approach !
