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Master Specification Document for PBase Style Sheets?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 10:05 pm
by cjmichael

I've been frustrated trying to make my own style sheets. I have years of programming experience but not much with HTML or CSS's. I've read many forum posts and source code. But so far I've only found random fragments of the complete spec. What I want is a complete, top-down spec document. Or at least documentation on any master CSS or HTML code which the gallery and image HTML/CSS's may inherit. I'm referring to PBase-specific parameters, not the standard HTML/CSS syntax specs (used by the rest of the world).

When looking at other PBase CSSs I see references to PBase-specific variables, data structures, etc but I can find no spec on the site. Have I overlooked the link to this? I'm seeing hundreds of people struggling to write their own CSS's apparently without PBase-specific documentation. True, it's nice to have random "hints", "tips", etc but where's the master spec? For example, I've seen references to classes like gallery_hitcounts, .pb_rcorners, imageinfo, ".camera", etc. But this stuff seems like just a tease - the tip of the iceberg. I need a complete spec so I can get my arms around this beast. Could somebody please clue me in? I'd be more than happy to share my finished CSS with others. Thanks,

- Chris

PostPosted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 1:09 am
by dang
This seems to be a common problem which is pretty much answered with the "Sticky" posts at the top of the forum. Specifically here...
Tips on understanding your own CSS :
Basic HTML codes for PBASE galleries:

For additional information about Pbase Specifics:
The Unofficial Pbase Wiki hosted by Pbase Supporter Srijith:
Note though, some of the codes aren't current due to changes over time.

Arjun code with notes about class control:

Coding isn't standard because you basically have to "hack" Pbase, and other issues such as java being disabled due to abuse (one reason for some Wiki posts being out of date). There's also the problem with IE not being standardized, which makes things more difficult. But once you read through the above threads, it becomes easier to understand.

There's also some nice tools contributers have added to the Wiki, which can be found here:

For other things, now supported by Pbase, such as adding stat counters, RSS Feeds, making slide shows, using Photo GPS and getting "The Pbase Magazine" check the "News" forum here:


PostPosted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 5:05 am
by cjmichael
Hi Dang,

thanks a million! Actually, I just found the PBaseWiki page and that seems to have more than enough valuable information to get me going. I'm beginning to get a general understanding of CSS's and how PBase implements them. I'll let you know how I do! Thanks!

- Chris