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Security Glitch!!!!!

PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 5:43 pm
by cmnh_exhibits
Slug, we have set up an account so that we can use your site as a tool to host images and info for a display we are designing. I made the top gallery password protected and set it to protect all sub galleries; I also unchecked the “this gallery can be viewed by anyoneâ€

PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 5:48 pm
by cmnh_exhibits

I just went back and changed the password and now all the sub galeries have "locked" beside their names in the tree view. I take it that when you create the main gallery and then later create sub galleries you have to go back to the main one and make a change to the password in order for the sub galleries to be protected??

I had just assumed that any sub gallery created later would automatically be protected....