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PostPosted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 2:03 am
by akmc_in_au
sheila wrote:Thanks for your input, Mike. I don't see that having a choice of two sites, is placing any sort of hurdle for those wanting to get to the next level. Most photographers on PBase would love to sell their work

The more I've reflected on that statement, the more I'm left with the feeling "Where did THAT stat come from?"

I for one couldn't give a flying fig about selling my work, and I've never regarded "the next level" as being commercial photography. I've always regarded it as better images. Better presentation of my images. Better skill in using my equipment. Those things and selling images aren't mutually exclusive, but they aren't synonymous either.

I recognise that there IS a segment of the membership which leans toward the commercial side, and have no problem in PBase supplying the features that they need whether separately from or as part of the existing site. But "most photographers" on pBase?

I think there may be a reason that Slug chose the term "artists" for pBase members, and I doubt that seeing "commercial" rather than "more skilful" as "the next level" was it.

Is this just me? No, seriously, you all can tell me if it is...