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Stopping abusive comments frmo "GUESTS"

PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 6:11 pm
by jeannius
When I logged into PBASE this morning I was very saddened to see that one of my favorite artist has pulled almost all of his galleries down and posted this <a href=""> Click here to see post</a>

As he states he has been receiving abusive comments in his gallery ever since he had made it to the top spot on PBASE. Now as some of you well know, it was a coordinated effort to vote Ian's gallery to the top spot, done mostly for fun, but also with merit. A voting experiment that allowed us to see how many votes it would take to do so. It has generated alot of interest in the PAD galleries, and also has started more and more people voting! So, maybe it wasn't "right" that we had a coordinated voting effort, but really, what harm came from that?? NONE! If anything it has generated revenue for PBASE as well, as more people have signed up!

Also, Ian's work is WORTHY of votes, as it is consistently very fine work. I assure you, people would not have been willing to play along if the work wasn't of such high quality.

What concerns me most, however, is the fact that the comments Ian receives are NOT comments on his work, yet abusive and nasty comments about his family. That is COMPLETELY unacceptable. I am asking that an option be added to make it so you can only allow people LOGGED in to a PBASE account to make comments on your photos. I don't think this would be too hard to do?

When I started this project in September, there were only 30 people doing so. Now it's in the HUNDREDS! I believe the links page I created most certainly brought people into the fold, and generated more and more galleries. That said, I would hope that PBASE could somehow help remedy THIS situation, and in turn, continue to have people join in. I know that abusive comments are most certainly a reason to look for another place to show your work. I would HATE to have to do that as I feel a wonderful sense of community here.

Slug, Any thoughts?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 6:37 pm
by jillburhans
I second all that Jeanne stated in above subject matter. Ian is a talented photographer and would be a shame to lose such work as a result of a personal attack by what is obviously a very insecure person.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 6:53 pm
by ziggers
I'm with Jeanne and Jill. I am deeply saddened at the fact that moronic abuse like this can get bad enough to make one person not want to continue the project any longer. Surely there must be something that can be done?

This touches home to me, also, because in the last few weeks I have also recieved comments from a new pbase user, (someone who does not have any images to share, just someone who posts comments). This person has posted negative remarks about me on my galleries. As of yet, I've ignored it.

My situation is no where near as dramatic as Ian's.

Ian, we do not want to lose you! You're far too talented to sink under because of this.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 7:34 pm
by scotthop
I have to agree with everyone here; to see Ian go is such a shame. His work along with many others in the PAD group has been such an inspiration and I think that losing any one is too big.

Who ever this person is that is posting has a couple of serious issues around voting and talent. I have read several threads where voting became a very heated topic and at some points became nothing but post after post of insults. It is a shame because they are all talented people. If someone wants to ask for votes let them and if the work is good they will get the votes. I am guilty of seeing good work and not voting so a reminder does not bother me.

Ian and Angela if this is the same person IGNORE THEM you are a both way too talented to disappear off the site...if that were to happen it would be a great loss to the whole community.

I would love to see a web site devoted to PAD individuals or like Jeanne said restrict comments to registered individuals. Maybe even create a registration for just people who want to comment.

It is too bad and Ian, please stay and show this moron that you will not be pushed around by someone who does not have what it takes to show him or herself.

My rant is done :D


PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 7:39 pm
by dazedgonebye
When I saw the coordinated effort to get Ian to the top of the list, I jumped at the chance to promote a PaD'r and PaD'ing in general. When I went to cast my votes I found that, without even knowing it, I was already part of the great conspiracy.
It seems that I'd already voted for just about every PaD image Ian had posted.
To wage war with words unsigned is the act of the basest of cowards and of a person completely without honor.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 7:41 pm
by polyvios
I am asking that an option be added to make it so you can only allow people LOGGED in to a PBASE account to make comments on your photos. I don't think this would be too hard to do?

I am unfamiliar with Ians work (from what I hear I should be ashamed to admit that) but I support this suggestion 100%. This thread conserns us all since we could soon find ourselves under the same attacks from the smae or a different "offender". After all if only paying logged-in members can vote (and their vote count) it shouldn't be too hard to add an option where you could stop non-logged in people from commenting.

Ian, if you are reading, it would be a shame to let someones childish ideals get in the way of your art! I hear you have inspired many people and have a number of friends here on pbase, in my world that is a great honor. I hope you reconsider and continue posting!

PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 7:52 pm
by simonkirk
This person is indeed a very nasty peice of work who has created a black mark on an otherwise good day, the loss of Ian will leave a gap that cannot be filled, instead of memebers only posting comments how about setting up a forum style registration for non supporters accepting only an ISP e-mail address as proof of identity thus almost assuring genuine users and allowing family and friends to post comment on you work( uses this system), this way potential attacks could be traced and blocked from using the sytsem, in the extreme case as we have here it could even be used to bring legal action.


PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 7:58 pm
by i_fly
I am a firm believer in our rights to express ourselves on an open forum, to exchange views and opinions. Pbase is a forum where I have got the possibility of showing my photographic work and enjoyed the confidence of my fellow PADders where we have exchanged views on our daily contributions.

How reluctant I will always be in supporting any restrictions or censorship, I must admit that Ians experience has convinced me that there is a need for implementing the option Jeanne has suggested. By that, Pbase can preserve the principle of an open society, while individual users can choose wether the like to receive comments from others than registers users of this forum.

Pall Gudjonsson

PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 8:00 pm
by arjunrc
Here is one suggestion as a feature request:

Right now, pbase users have only two options:
a) Disable guestbook
b) Enable guestook

Add a third option:

c) Moderated guestbook.

When a pbase site owner selects option c) for his/her use, all new comments first need to be verified by the owner before they show up.

I am against allowing only logged in pbase users commenting - since typically most of one's friends/parents/family will not be pbase users unless they are photgraphy enthusiasts themselves.


PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 8:20 pm
by vid64
Jeanne's suggestion is spot on. I'm sure that lot's of people here have suffered the occasional stupid/hurtful comment from a 'guest'. I like the open access of PBase, and friends without PBase accounts often leave comments on my galleries. The option to switch off comments from unregistered users would allow us to instantly stop any abuse. PBase is one of those rare places on the internet where creativity is the order of the day. I'd hate to think that we could loose talented and creative people because of such abuse.

I AGREE - Possible Alternative?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 8:30 pm
by benace
Hey All-

As of recent, I share Ian's concerns. I've had several scathing comments left on my various galleries. Now, that's not to say I'm an expert photographer... that's not why I'm here. I'm here because its FUN and thousands of people enjoy my pictures.

I agree that for comments to be left, you should have to be logged in. But I do not feel comfortable with forcing them to be a PBase photographer. Over 95% of my comments (legitimate) come from non-subscribers. As an alternative perhaps - make them register with PBase, but as an observer rather than a photographer. Make them verify their e-mail address via confirmation, but don't force them to open a gallery. Free of course. This way, observers can continue to leave legitimate constructive posts without the hassle of the full-blown registration.

I think an excellent compliment to this feature would be the notification of new messages. This is in the "feature requests" already - but I think it is something that should be addressed ASAP. This way, under the current system, at least we would know instantly that a new comment/guestbook entry has been posted, and we can review it post haste.

Thanks for listening, you guys have some great galleries!!

I encourage you to check out some of my pictures as well - they're not professional by any means... but some of them are really fun. There's 3000+ up there, so definitely something for everyone :)


ps.... sign my guestbook and leave LOTS of comments on my galleries

Ben McMahon

PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 9:12 pm
by lj0913
Being logged in would be a great option, but being a PBASE SUPPORTER would be better. It's easy to create a "trail" account for 30 days, and continue to violate galleries. This is such a great group of people, please don't let a few bad apples ruin it for the rest of us. I assure you there will be a lot of followers if this continues!

Ian's plight

PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 9:33 pm
by laras
I agree with Jeanne. we have all I assume joined Pbase to better our skills in photography, to learn and share and even laugh and cry, and meet people who share the same common interest. Ian hang in there. and keep posting those photos.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 9:51 pm
by ukexpat
Surely the answer is to have an option in "account settings" to allow only paid-up members to add comments to a user's guest book. At least then the miscreant can be identified and sanctioned.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 9:53 pm
by brother_mark
Benace has a good idea or that of requiring valid e-mail addresses for guest posters. I prefer to be able to leave things open for guests to post, but a little more accountability would be good.Some of my guests may not want to leave their e-mail, it'll be picked up by a webcrawler and then SPAM! So some kind of registered guest user with comment only rights would be good.