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Request: Automatic report of the most popular photos

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2004 7:43 am
by victor_in_sg

After having my photos online for 16 months, I recently went through my galleries to find out which photos are the most popular, then generated a contact-sheet report to share with my friends.

The report included thumbnails, descriptions and hit counts.

Could this process be made automatic, or at lease a simple report of photos with the highest hit counts. Maybe enhance it so that it will show you the top x number of photos, or photos with more than x number of hits. The report could be configured to be either public or private.

Similarly, another report on the least popular photos would be interesting too. A subscriber then would be able to study why these photos are not popular, and/or remove these photos to save storage room.


PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 6:13 am
by selvin
Yes, I concur it would be nice to have a feature like and and to also add the number of popular votes that the image or the gallery earned.

We can always dream.


PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 10:46 am
by shecodes
This would be a fairly easy project to do.. but of course it would depend on Emily's time constraints. It depends on how the data is stored in the database.