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Slug: Modification consideration: 90D/all-time tab junk

PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 1:58 am
by minoltaman
Slug, it has been brought to my attention that tons of users think the 7day list is the only popular list. Ugggh...

To help cure a few of the complaints and stuff, would it be possible to consider highlighting or somehow pointing users to the fact a little more boldly/clearly that there is a a time tested 90day and all-time list available.

I know you have it on the page but I don't think anyone reads it or notices the smallish 90day and all-time tabs or the words at the bottom of the page.

Just a thought to make things a little better/easier possibly. people are really complaing about the 7day list and are clueless the other lists even exist.


Not really a feature but I posted it here for starters.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 2:00 am
by jsb
Great idea. Maybe the all time popular selection could be the default and the user could choose 90-day or 7-day if desired?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 2:07 am
by minoltaman

Slug might not want to use te 90day or all-time cuz it does not expose as many new people. I would aggree that it may be a better option than the super-long 7day list at this point in time myself, but that may be a bit selfish on my part.

That page does a ton of hits and at least a bolder link to the all time or 90day would be fine with me. I would certainly not be opposed to upgrading that user default page to the 90day or all-time lists. Heck, give 'er a go slug.

One more thing, a 30 day list would be intersting but I would rather see one of other suggestions above worked infirst if possible.
