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PostPosted: Sat Oct 04, 2003 4:03 am
by bastet
i was thinking of getting an account here at pbase (i signed up for the trial to ask this question ;p ). I have my own domain name but its such a hassle for me to organize my images into coherent galleries. it would be much simpler for me to have a pbase gallery for my images and a smaller load on my domain and hosting.

i was wondering how much bandwidth do we get if we have a pbase account? my website is fairly popular- i use 20-50 gigs of bandwidth a month- which creates a strain on me and my host.. private hosting bandwidth is killer .. on my pockets. i was thinking of hosting my images here on pbase since pbase also has a gallery function instead of me messing with a php program to do it myself.

how reliable is the server and how much bandwidth would i get if i moved into the 100mb plan?


PostPosted: Sat Oct 04, 2003 5:29 am
by rsilfverberg
You will probably get a lot of guesses and nothing else if posting here on the forum. Go to the help page and find the correct email addresses to contact pbase directly. I'm sure you'd much rather get answers to questions such as this directly from the owner/admins.