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Pbase -- "cybersquattered"?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 10:39 am
by griffin

I wish to raise your attention that a site called PBaseHK ( is out there where people could subscript to post their pictures. I am sure they have no relations at all with PBase so I wish to know if this is cybersquattering or not.



It's not cybersquatting.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 11:14 am
by vincentosullivan
Cybersquatting is when someone holds onto a web address that you want (and wants money to let you have it).

One example was The people holding the address wanted something extortionate for it. Although they owned the site, BA took them to court for trade mark infringement (and won).

The PBaseHK address may be sufficiently different to escape, particularly if PBase is not a registered trade mark. In any case, it would take an expensive, international suit to sort it out. Probably best just to ignore it.
