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Is PBASE a stable site?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2003 6:49 am
by terriwu
I've been here for less than three weeks and started to build my gallery here. It's a great site in that it's easy to use and the galleries can look really nice here.

Twice in the last week have I've had uploads - as well as existing images - show as red x's.

I'm considering 'staying' and to be a paying member but I worry about the sites reliability and stability. Does anyone who maybe has been here for longer any thoughts?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2003 7:19 am
by craig_c
I've been on her a couple of months (and I also paid) and this is the first time I have seen this happen.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2003 7:48 am
by terriwu
Craig, thanks. That's good to hear.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2003 7:56 am
by rsilfverberg
This is the second time in a very short timeperiod that this issue appears.

I hope they have a good service level agreement (SLA) with whoever is running their servers cause it seems as if they will have to start adding functional watchdogs as well - not only technical ones.

Unhappy non-paying members is one thing...but unhappy paying customers..that's a whole new ball-game.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2003 11:12 am
by framewerkz
I've been a regular user for over a year now. Some hiccups in the past, resulting in occasional downtime and sometimes sluggish performance, but until today and the dread missing image syndrome PBase on the whole has been reliable, easy-to-use and very accessible.

PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2003 5:46 pm
by minoltaman
Considering the traffic levels and sheer volume of data and images here I think 'the management' does a fine job. I have been dispalying around 500 images for three months now and I grade the service as an A. Some minor outages due to heavy traffic, search disabled and what not. For the price you pay, and the level of service you do receive, and the feature set you get to use Pbase is an incredible value. Thanks Slug and the rest. I intend to upload another 2000+ shots.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2003 4:42 am
by tamn
minoltaman wrote:Considering the traffic levels and sheer volume of data and images here I think 'the management' does a fine job. ... For the price you pay, and the level of service you do receive, and the feature set you get to use Pbase is an incredible value. Thanks Slug and the rest.

Couldn't have said it better.

Thanks Slug, Elise and Emily!

Re: Is PBASE a stable site?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2003 12:35 pm
by vincentosullivan
terriwu wrote:Does anyone who maybe has been here for longer any thoughts?

I've been with PBase for about eighteen months (and finally got around to paying last week). So the answer is:
"Yes, I think it's OK. In fact, I'd put money on it."

I was quite dubious - about its long-term viability - for a long time while it was free but now that it's charging, I'm much happier.


PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2003 2:09 pm
by slug
thanks for all the supportive answers.

pbase admittedly hasn't been stable enough, but now that we're charging, we'll be able to afford the hardware capacity to keep ahead of the traffic demands, and provide better redundancy.

apologies again for any frustration or inconvenience failures have caused, but this will be history soon.


PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 1:04 am
by sheila

Its 500% better than it was a few months back and the newish stylesheets add a great deal to the site's professionalism. I've been a paid up subscriber for 18 months and I have no complaints. And if I get a couple of red Xs, I just wait a couple of hours and lo and behold, my images are back. And the search engine now actually works! No worries!


PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2003 1:46 pm
by olliemaitland
Just to add the positive comments for Pbase; I think is an excellent service for a very resonable price... if you set out to try to host your own images you would realise quite how much storage and bandwidth cost, not to mention the functionallity of pbase...

I too was unsure about starting paying but the service seems to get better and better so the more people pay the service should only get better (theoretically!)

Stop Bitchin'! :-)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2003 4:04 pm
by tradescant
I read with increasing disbelief at how unhappy some folks are with the service here at PBase. Occasionally (and I mean very occasionally) not everything works as you would hope, but in my experience it soon is put right. Remember too that Slug has only a couple of able helpers. Not many people to keep a database of this size up and running. AND to do it all without any intrusive advertsing.

Try using some of the other photo-hosting sites and see how well they perform and how inflexible they are. I very quickly gave up on Canon's service. For what it costs, PBase is, in my opinion, a bargain and second to none.

