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New Datacenter, Much Faster Servers

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New Datacenter, Much Faster Servers

Post Sun Feb 10, 2019 2:46 am

We just flipped the switch on a move we've been planning and testing for years.

This move makes a few major immediate changes.
* Completely new faster hardware.
* Completely new database software.
* All pages are now using https

More importantly, these changes will allow us to move forward again with improving the software.
We were stuck with a platform that made change very difficult without breaking anything, but now we'll be much more nimble.

First we'll have to iron out any wrinkles related to to this move. We'll be watching very closely for any bugs we missed during testing.
After that we will be focused on further performance and user interface improvements.
We want the site to be very fast and much easier to use.

We're very excited to finally get this done and moving forward again.

Chuck Neel

Posts: 22

Re: New Datacenter, Much Faster Servers

Post Sun Feb 10, 2019 4:05 am

I noticed the Full EXIF is not displayed after loading new images after the new hardware.
Thanks for fast loading and opening the different pages.

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Posts: 598

Re: New Datacenter, Much Faster Servers

Post Sun Feb 10, 2019 4:27 am

Thanks. We will get that fixed tomorrow.
Also, I am aware of some maps linking problems. On the list to fix also.

Posts: 21

Re: New Datacenter, Much Faster Servers

Post Sun Feb 10, 2019 5:56 am

Nice, but we can not make new folders !

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Posts: 598

Re: New Datacenter, Much Faster Servers

Post Sun Feb 10, 2019 6:07 am

Thanks for pointing that out. We will fix the new gallery problem asap. Hopefully in a few minutes.

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Re: New Datacenter, Much Faster Servers

Post Sun Feb 10, 2019 6:12 am

Making new galleries / folders is working again.

Posts: 21

Re: New Datacenter, Much Faster Servers

Post Sun Feb 10, 2019 6:58 am

Making new folders working again ! tx

Posts: 5

Re: New Datacenter, Much Faster Servers

Post Sun Feb 10, 2019 9:20 am

When viewing an image in original, the image looks dark and under exposed. When viewing large, small or medium, the image looks as posted.


Posts: 14

Re: New Datacenter, Much Faster Servers

Post Sun Feb 10, 2019 9:22 am

Good morning Chuck & Emily, from England. Thanks very much for the updates, accessing my galleries and images certainly seems a lot slicker.

I thought I'd just raise this although it pre-dates the new hardware. One thing that I have always found annoying is regarding the sizing of images. Where you have images with a choice of Small, Medium, Large and Original, if someone chooses to view at say Large then all the images change to Large (not too bothered about that) but they remain at Large for the next person who visits my galleries including me. Is there any way to set it up so that each new visitor to the site sees all images at Original size by default please and not the size the last person chose?


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Posts: 598

Re: New Datacenter, Much Faster Servers

Post Sun Feb 10, 2019 10:25 am

Anita. I will check in more detail later, but I suspect the original has a color profile not understood by web browsers. Fixing it on our end would require altering the original file. Normally we leave it intact but In this case may be necessary.

Dave. At the top of our list will be a better method of displaying an appropriate image size to a user depending on display size.

Posts: 4

Re: New Datacenter, Much Faster Servers

Post Sun Feb 10, 2019 10:39 am

Good morning all,

after the update of yesterday evening (europe time) I've lost all of the customized CSS.

I can just use the ones "standard", but even if i reply it in a new one and import it doesn't works.



Posts: 13

Re: New Datacenter, Much Faster Servers

Post Sun Feb 10, 2019 10:46 am

Hello Chuck, the old place now certainly has a little more pep in its step. I just individually uploaded 6 new images, 3 worked fine, the other 3 returned a "502 Bad Gateway" message. It was easy enough to click my browser go-back arrow and click the upload button again. These second attempts worked fine, but thought you might want to be aware.

Time was around 4:30 AM CST. Browser is latest Foxfire on Windows 10 machine.


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Posts: 598

Re: New Datacenter, Much Faster Servers

Post Sun Feb 10, 2019 11:17 am

Gianni, Thank you. I will look into the CSS issue.

Tom, I see the 502 errors now in the log. Sorry about that. We'll get those fixed and be watching until they are no more.

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Posts: 598

Re: New Datacenter, Much Faster Servers

Post Sun Feb 10, 2019 3:05 pm

Quick update: we're still working on cleaning up the errors you may be seeing intermittently when editing a gallery or uploading.
Sorry for the inconvenience. We're on it.

Posts: 483

Re: New Datacenter, Much Faster Servers

Post Sun Feb 10, 2019 5:06 pm

I like the new performance.

But I am seeing that the daily hits display seems to have stopped with 08 February? (I did try clearing cache, just in case.)



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