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Comments Faster and Guestbook Stylesheets

Site Admin
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Posts: 745

Comments Faster and Guestbook Stylesheets

Post Fri Oct 12, 2012 7:47 pm

Hello Everybody,

We have been working on making various changes to the commenting system. We have made the back-end of displaying and posting comments faster. We have also eliminated a lot of page reloads when submitting new comments and moderating existing comments. Clicking the "comment" link at the bottom of a gallery or image page will now instantly show the comment form right below the link instead of reloading it with the form at the top of the page or having to scroll to the bottom of the existing comments to enter your message. All of this was to improve speed, make for a better user experience, and hopefully encourage more commenting.

We have also added the option of stylesheets for guestbook pages ( ). The default setting is to use the same stylesheet as your root gallery, but you can change this at any time by going to the Appearance tab of your Account Settings page - Many of you already have a stylesheet set up to make comments look a certain way. That style works the same way on guestbook comments. So, now your guestbook can have the same personalized look as your galleries.

As always, if you experience any problems, please let us know your operating system and browser as well as the URL and any other details that might help us with troubleshooting.


Posts: 1541

Re: Comments Faster and Guestbook Stylesheets

Post Fri Oct 12, 2012 10:01 pm

Comments sometimes post and sometimes just disappear. Hitting reload makes comments in black hole appear for me. Clicking on voting usually results in "Voting has expired, please try again."

OS - Windows 7 and XP.

Browser - Firefox 16.0.1.

Posts: 1541

Re: Comments Faster and Guestbook Stylesheets

Post Fri Oct 12, 2012 10:06 pm

Forgot. Comments are posting a lot faster when they appear.

Site Admin
Site Admin
Posts: 745

Re: Comments Faster and Guestbook Stylesheets

Post Fri Oct 12, 2012 10:45 pm

OK, we found a bug that was affecting the first comment on an image/gallery. It is fixed now. Let us know if you have any more problems.


Posts: 17

Re: Comments Faster and Guestbook Stylesheets

Post Sat Oct 13, 2012 12:06 am

Comment seems to have problem with french keyboard it seems to have problem letters like é or à I do not know if it is just me,,, ?

Posts: 1

Re: Comments Faster and Guestbook Stylesheets

Post Sun Oct 14, 2012 4:53 pm

dansudbury wrote:Comment seems to have problem with french keyboard it seems to have problem letters like é or à I do not know if it is just me,,, ?

I have the same problem with french keyboard. It's very difficult to read the comments.
Thank's to repair that

Posts: 240

Re: Comments Faster and Guestbook Stylesheets

Post Mon Oct 15, 2012 9:21 am

image_nolffeenne, this is not a new problem.
Look here :

Thanks for your intervention,

Posts: 2

Re: Comments Faster and Guestbook Stylesheets

Post Tue Oct 16, 2012 5:19 pm

image_nolffeenne wrote:
dansudbury wrote:Comment seems to have problem with french keyboard it seems to have problem letters like é or à I do not know if it is just me,,, ?

I have the same problem with french keyboard. It's very difficult to read the comments.
Thank's to repair that

We have also the same problem with french Keyboard. And before your update everything was ok for accents in comments.
And if that can help you, for now, we don't have any problem to put accent (é,è,à ô ....) in title or caption...

Thank you!

Posts: 77

Re: Comments Faster and Guestbook Stylesheets

Post Wed Oct 17, 2012 5:40 am

Same Problem with german keyboard. Can´t write ä, ö, ü at comments.

Posts: 87

Re: Comments Faster and Guestbook Stylesheets

Post Thu Oct 18, 2012 3:14 am

Seem to have more of an issue now with keyboard on iPad being displayed over the comment field so you can't see what you are typing. I don't remember this being an issue before. :(

Site Admin
Site Admin
Posts: 745

Re: Comments Faster and Guestbook Stylesheets

Post Thu Oct 18, 2012 2:36 pm

Thanks for the information, everybody. We are looking into it.

Posts: 25

Re: Comments Faster and Guestbook Stylesheets

Post Sun Oct 21, 2012 10:16 am

1) problem with french accents
and too
2) it seems that stacounter do not 'capture' anaymore the 'clic' when there is a comment

Posts: 240

Re: Comments Faster and Guestbook Stylesheets

Post Sun Oct 21, 2012 2:32 pm

Agree pingupingu. A shame.

Site Admin
Site Admin
Posts: 745

Re: Comments Faster and Guestbook Stylesheets

Post Mon Oct 22, 2012 4:12 pm

We have fixed the problem with accented characters. New comments and old comments should all display correctly now.

Since submitting a comment no longer requires a new page load, it is true that receiving a comment will not get you that extra pageview in your statistics. So, instead of that "pageview" number being the number of pageviews + the number of comments, now it is the real number of pageviews.


Posts: 999
Location: Quebec city , Canada.

Re: Comments Faster and Guestbook Stylesheets

Post Thu Nov 15, 2012 8:28 am

Where are my comments ? One of my most commented gallery I can't see the comments at bottom of this gallery !?!? I use IE 9 ... Am I the only one who can't see the comments ? Is-that my browser that cause that ?

Thanks for any help !

Dom :)


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