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Keyboard Shortcuts

Posts: 3

Re: Keyboard Shortcuts

Post Wed Sep 19, 2012 4:50 am

Left and right arrow keys do not work on my galleries. They do on some other peoples galleries.
Also if I try the sample stylesheets the left and right arrows work with the sample galleries but if I apply one of those my galleries it does not work.

Using IE9 ver 9.0.8112.16421 and Vista 64 Home Premium SP2

Results from your test page.
Right or left arrow Message from webpage “detected key press” “OK”, click “OK” box and
get Message from webpage “document 1031, window NaN” “OK”


Posts: 1

Re: Keyboard Shortcuts

Post Thu Sep 20, 2012 12:40 am

Dear Pbase team. Do you have any plan to implement and taking initiative to create the "Watermark" selection features?
It will be excellent to implement this features whereby all Pbase photographers and artists can have option to choose all the photos to be watermark or not.

Boon (Penang Island, Malaysia)

Posts: 240

Re: Keyboard Shortcuts

Post Thu Sep 20, 2012 7:40 am

Wrong forum boon3887

Posts: 3

Re: Keyboard Shortcuts

Post Fri Sep 21, 2012 3:57 am

Tested again about 30 minutes ago and the left and right arrow keys are still not working with IE9 ver. 9.0.80112.16421 and Vista 64 Home Premium SP2
But new second messages after the “detected key press” “OK”,
Now “right arrow document 1646, windows 1625” when the right arrow key is pressed.
Or “left arrow document 1646, windows 1625” when the left arrow key is pressed.

Also tried my own galleries on an older computer with XP Pro and SP 3 using IE 8 ver. 8.0.6001.18702IC and the arrow keys work for both paging galleries and images on the old system. Hope this helps.


Posts: 1809
Location: Walnut Creek, CA

Re: Keyboard Shortcuts

Post Fri Sep 21, 2012 7:27 am

Works fine with Firefox 15.01.
Cits 4 Pets where Happy Pets Go with the Flo
My Firefox Tthemes/skins for your web browser)

Posts: 240

Re: Keyboard Shortcuts

Post Sun Sep 23, 2012 9:11 am

The glitch had gone.
It is back again !!!
Vista 64, Chrome 21, when the comment box is not displayed by default.

Posts: 240

Re: Keyboard Shortcuts

Post Mon Sep 24, 2012 2:29 pm

That works again.

Site Admin
Site Admin
Posts: 745

Re: Keyboard Shortcuts

Post Mon Sep 24, 2012 2:43 pm

ac wrote:That works again.

This is very strange because the code was not touched between your postings. Did you switch computers or anything?

Posts: 240

Re: Keyboard Shortcuts

Post Mon Sep 24, 2012 5:44 pm

Thanks for your response Emily.
Not working again, on the same computer. (Maybe a Microsoft upgrade between the two posts. )
Example on this photo :

Posts: 3

Re: Keyboard Shortcuts

Post Tue Sep 25, 2012 4:32 am

The left and right arrows in my galleries are now working with IE9 and Vista 64SP2. Also tried the arrows in ac’s gallery and they worked. Earlier today I went to IE9 properties and deleted all browsing history including cookies, except ActiveX Filtering for the first time in a few weeks.

Posts: 240

Re: Keyboard Shortcuts

Post Tue Sep 25, 2012 3:04 pm

Confirmation. NOT WORKING.
Yes jwaifthey the arrows work on my gallery, because the comment box is displayed by default.
Read my previous posts.

Posts: 301

Re: Keyboard Shortcuts

Post Thu Sep 27, 2012 1:34 pm

Works on some galleries from archives and not mine!

Posts: 301

Re: Keyboard Shortcuts

Post Thu Sep 27, 2012 1:39 pm

Example: arrows work on this one, maybe someone can figure out what the difference is

Posts: 326

Re: Keyboard Shortcuts

Post Thu Sep 27, 2012 5:35 pm

heez10 wrote:Example: arrows work on this one, maybe someone can figure out what the difference is

Emily: try playing around with the amount of space the image takes on the screen. I've noticed that if there is a scroll bar @the bottom, the arrow keys tend to not work. In that case, if I reduce the image size (say from original to large), they work fine. On my monitors, the background image for Dan's gallery does not fit (it's just a bit too big). In this case, when I hit the arrow key, it both moves the scroll bar, and moves to the next image. If I reduce the window size so that the image (e.g., 139967706) no longer fits in the window, only the scroll bar responds to the arrow keys, even when the scroll bar reaches the right side. In other galleries, Dan uses a different background, and the arrow keys work (e.g., unless I make the window smaller than the image being displayed.

For me, it doesn't make any difference whether comments are inline or by link - just the size of the image and/or background image relative to the window.

Win7-64,FF 15.01


Posts: 326

Re: Keyboard Shortcuts

Post Thu Sep 27, 2012 5:46 pm

update: on IE9.0.8112.16421, Dan's background image ( displays properly.

I can still get the arrow keys to "break" by reducing my window size until a scroll bar appears on the bottom. The amount of "scroll distance" makes a difference, if it's just a tiny bit, both scroll bar and "next image" work - past some threshold, only the scroll bar responds to the arrow keys...


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