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Updates to Public Pages - Recent, Popular, Random, PaD

Posts: 42

Re: Updates to Public Pages - Recent, Popular, Random, PaD

Post Sun Aug 05, 2012 12:46 pm

the worst thing we can do is to criticize the other fellow photographers on this site.
Remember that many administrators are selling their restrictions as the improvements,
that have to do, because of a too narrow bandwidth.
Perhaps even going on here?

Posts: 78

Re: Updates to Public Pages - Recent, Popular, Random, PaD

Post Sun Aug 05, 2012 1:07 pm

bracciodiferro wrote:IMO:
the worst thing we can do is to criticize the other fellow photographers on this site.
Remember that many administrators are selling their restrictions as the improvements,
that have to do, because of a too narrow bandwidth.
Perhaps even going on here?

Paolo, I don't even know who this person is nor do I care. But this whole thing started out as a criticism of users of this site for monopolizing the Recent Uploads page in one way or another. If you read further down, I cited several cases I saw that had been mentioned before that I didn't see as abuse, just somebody posting to several of their discrete galleries all at once, which I think is fine. I was just acknowledging in that last instance that perhaps some of the criticism by other people was warranted. But then who knows why that person was posting to 14 galleries all at once; maybe that's all the time they had to upload their work for the day.

Still, I think it's important to define what abuse or monopolization is. If not, you end up with this kind of situation -- I didn't see anything wrong with uploading to multiple galleries within reason, but somebody else did object to it.

Posts: 240

Re: Updates to Public Pages - Recent, Popular, Random, PaD

Post Sun Aug 05, 2012 1:26 pm

To Paolo.
You haven't been "filtered" !?
Can't believe it.

Posts: 42

Re: Updates to Public Pages - Recent, Popular, Random, PaD

Post Sun Aug 05, 2012 2:48 pm

ac wrote:To Paolo.
You haven't been "filtered" !?
Can't believe it.

Unfortunately I also obviously have been filtered! :x

Posts: 589

Re: Updates to Public Pages - Recent, Popular, Random, PaD

Post Sun Aug 05, 2012 6:59 pm

amoxtli wrote:The logic of my proposal is that you can not upload to multiple galleries simultaneously. As I wrote in my message out of 36 recent galleries earlier today 8 were insect galleries from one subscriber, and there were several other multiple galleries of 3 and 4 each posted as well. If you think that should be permitted, then we disagree.

I practice “Human moderation” on the discussion board of the photo group I organize. I remove inappropriate posts. With almost 900 members these creep up from time to time. I don't see anything wrong with having a responsible moderator.

Thank you, Walter, for your answer and explanation.
While I fully agree with you about “Human moderation” which can be fairer and more selective than automatic filters, I’m not sure I can see anything wrong in people who feel like posting different photos in different galleries. Sometimes we might have sub-galleries which are part of the same gallery and we might have photos ready which find their place in different sub-galleries. For example if I create a gallery of photos taken during a trip, I might decide to present it in sub-galleries, for example, night pictures, details, people, all related with the main theme.
I fully agree with Bob and Helen who expressed their opinion in a very well-articulated way. For me it’s a bit annoying that the ridiculous behaviour of few, who think that appearing at the top of the recently uploaded galleries is the only way to become good photographers, leads PBase management to impose limits and filters to all their members, who are supposed to be adult and responsible.
Personally I don’t post in the meta-gallery Photo a Day either. I really don’t see why I should select one of my gallery as PaD, then to change the selection, day after day, only to take advantage of an extra chance to show my most recently uploaded photo also in that page.
I think it might have a meaning only for the people who really have a well-defined PaD gallery, not for the people who select as PaD a different gallery of theirs according to the photo they post.
But it’s not such a tragedy. After all it’s just a matter to appear in a meta-page for a short time, there is not any prize to win.
But I consider a matter of principle, as I have already said, to not be treated like schoolchildren, mostly when it’s just a matter of a hobby, like posting photos on a website.
Besides that, if we want to be fussy, there are other rather mean little strategies which a few people adopt, to attract some ephemeral popularity, as, for example, commenting compulsory all what they see in …the recently uploaded pages, without making any selective choice, but celebrating with a short sycophantic comment all at the same way, good photos or casual snapshots. Either they are easily pleased jolly good fellows who like superficially all…or it might be a little fishy.
But it’s not the case to take all that too seriously. The majority, the greatest majority of us are common people who behave properly and simply enjoy our common passion for photography.
All the best
"Arguments are to be avoided; they are always vulgar and often convincing."
~Oscar Wilde~

Posts: 1

Re: Updates to Public Pages - Recent, Popular, Random, PaD

Post Tue Aug 07, 2012 2:09 am

It seemed like at first management (Emily) responded to criticism of the new policy and made some minor adjustments. But then it seemed that there was backtracking to the original draconian changes, despite the fact that dozens of users have expressed their dislike of the new policy. Management is now AWOL and apparently ignoring the fact that most of us really don't like the changes that were made. I guess our opinions don't count, but what is most important is that they have dealt with a problem none of us were aware of, and in the process have ticked off many users. What is so bad about being able to upload photos to 4 or 5 galleries a couple of times a week and having all of them, and not one or at most two, show up in recent uploads? If, as others have mentioned, the bad actors that the new policy was designed to address have already found workarounds and are now back to their old tricks, what has management really accomplished except to upset many of us. Emily, hello? Anybody home?

Posts: 25

Re: Updates to Public Pages - Recent, Popular, Random, PaD

Post Tue Aug 07, 2012 10:04 am

gh2naturephotography wrote:It seemed like at first management (Emily) responded to criticism of the new policy and made some minor adjustments. But then it seemed that there was backtracking to the original draconian changes, despite the fact that dozens of users have expressed their dislike of the new policy. Management is now AWOL and apparently ignoring the fact that most of us really don't like the changes that were made. I guess our opinions don't count, but what is most important is that they have dealt with a problem none of us were aware of, and in the process have ticked off many users. What is so bad about being able to upload photos to 4 or 5 galleries a couple of times a week and having all of them, and not one or at most two, show up in recent uploads? If, as others have mentioned, the bad actors that the new policy was designed to address have already found workarounds and are now back to their old tricks, what has management really accomplished except to upset many of us. Emily, hello? Anybody home?


Posts: 431

Re: Updates to Public Pages - Recent, Popular, Random, PaD

Post Tue Aug 07, 2012 5:16 pm

I like the new look of these pages. Is this new page design look or variants thereof available to us non-programming types? My available "sample style sheet" choices remain the same. I searched this thread and the HTML threads but could not find anything.

Bill Warren

Posts: 22

Re: Updates to Public Pages - Recent, Popular, Random, PaD

Post Tue Aug 07, 2012 11:42 pm

I had two shots to upload this for each of two galleries. The first upload created a black rectangle with red X where it should have said " creating thumbnail". Clicking on it opened the image but in " original " size only. It did not display on the Recent Uploads Page ....So I uploaded the second shot to the other gallery and that upload went fine.... I then returned to the first upload but it remained as is with the black rectangle with red X. I checked the recent uploads again just in case but it did not show up. So I deleted the file and re submitted it ...This time no problem...the upload went as expected but I guess the new system blocked it from the recent uploads page because the right hand did not know what the left hand was doing. This is not the first time this has happened :x

I have been at this site for almost 7 years now and I I am not impressed with this new system or the logic behind it. Hopefully it will soon get fixed and in the meantime I have joined a couple of other sites to see what else is out there.............

Posts: 797
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio

Re: Updates to Public Pages - Recent, Popular, Random, PaD

Post Thu Aug 09, 2012 9:50 am

From reading through this thread and not knowing there was a issue before the change.
The changes to correct the issue seems in many ways to be worse than the initial issue.

Posts: 122
Location: Eastern Ontario, Canada

Re: Updates to Public Pages - Recent, Popular, Random, PaD

Post Thu Aug 09, 2012 11:12 am

fishit wrote:From reading through this thread and not knowing there was a issue before the change.
The changes to correct the issue seems in many ways to be worse than the initial issue.

Accurately and succinctly stated, Dennis.

Site Admin
Site Admin
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Re: Updates to Public Pages - Recent, Popular, Random, PaD

Post Fri Aug 10, 2012 10:32 am

The time restriction on how often a gallery can be bumped up the recent uploads list has now been reduced to 1 hour. We want some restriction on this so that if somebody is uploading a batch of new images all spaced out by a few minutes, they won't constantly be bumped to the top of the list.

billinchapelhill wrote:Emily
I like the new look of these pages. Is this new page design look or variants thereof available to us non-programming types? My available "sample style sheet" choices remain the same. I searched this thread and the HTML threads but could not find anything.

Bill Warren

Bill, We will work on getting a matching gallery stylesheet together for you.


Posts: 240

Re: Updates to Public Pages - Recent, Popular, Random, PaD

Post Fri Aug 10, 2012 2:55 pm

I haven't seen any user accepting the limits. Not one.
Even your client who started the problem doesn't like your solution.
Why do you stay on your position ?
Is there something we don't know ?
You don't like us ?

Posts: 96

Re: Updates to Public Pages - Recent, Popular, Random, PaD

Post Fri Aug 10, 2012 6:26 pm

ac wrote:Emily,
I haven't seen any user accepting the limits. Not one.
Even your client who started the problem doesn't like your solution.
Why do you stay on your position ?
Is there something we don't know ?
You don't like us ?
Barry McCartney Photography -

Posts: 96

Re: Updates to Public Pages - Recent, Popular, Random, PaD

Post Fri Aug 10, 2012 6:30 pm

ac wrote:Emily,
I haven't seen any user accepting the limits. Not one.
Even your client who started the problem doesn't like your solution.
Why do you stay on your position ?
Is there something we don't know ?
You don't like us ?

Agrred - this is still unacceptable. Emily, can't we please just put it back the way it was originally? Or is this whole exercise just a ruse to help increase bandwidth?
Barry McCartney Photography -


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