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iPhone and iPad app

PBase Admin
PBase Admin
Posts: 85

iPhone and iPad app

Post Wed Sep 28, 2011 2:43 pm

Apple has finally approved our PBase Uploader app for the iPhone and iPad! The app is a free download of course, if you have any problems using it let us know and give us as many details as possible (device, OS version, etc.). An updated version with a better image selector will be ready as soon as it is approved (it is currently in the review process).

Posts: 1003

Re: iPhone and iPad app

Post Wed Sep 28, 2011 3:46 pm

Damn. Bravo. Now this is a great update!
I don't check forums very often these days, so if you need to get a response from me, please send me an email (see my profile) and NOT a PM.

Posts: 1003

Re: iPhone and iPad app

Post Wed Sep 28, 2011 3:47 pm

Can you also _please_ release the backend APIs that will allow us to write our own programs and fix stuff like PBGrab that has stopped working ever since the XML gallery feed stopped getting updated?
arjunrc wrote:Damn. Bravo. Now this is a great update!
I don't check forums very often these days, so if you need to get a response from me, please send me an email (see my profile) and NOT a PM.

Posts: 613
Location: Palatine, IL

Re: iPhone and iPad app

Post Wed Sep 28, 2011 4:19 pm

Was eagerly waiting for this app, and given the number of times I must have checked the app store each day, I am willing to wager i probably was the first one to download. :)

First impression: Extremely simple, but very useful.

Updates I would like (already!):
1. Drop down for destination. If we are logged in, would it be possible to list our galleries?
2. Destination: Haven't tested this yet, but can I create a new gallery by simply using a gallery name that is new? Where will it put this gallery? Can we create a new gallery and have control over where in our tree it falls?
3. Thanks for the title and caption options - can we also have Artist name and Keywords option?
4. It didn't upload the location, though I checked the automatically geotag photos option.
5. Is it possible to uplaod Exif data?
6. An option to compress while uploading? common sizes - 1200, 800, 640? Or simply delete orginals on upload perhaps?

I am using iPhone4 to test and upload.

Karthik Raja Photography -
Incredible India at

PBase Admin
PBase Admin
Posts: 85

Re: iPhone and iPad app

Post Wed Sep 28, 2011 4:58 pm

yardbird wrote:4. It didn't upload the location, though I checked the automatically geotag photos option.
5. Is it possible to uplaod Exif data?

The EXIF data is getting stripped in this version (on accident). Once the updated version is approved geotagging and EXIF will be fixed. As for your other suggestions, this app is intended to be as simple as possible since you can do everything else you need through the edit pages. I suggest just setting up an iPhone/iPad upload gallery and always uploading to that, then use the edit pages to do your real organization. The only reason I even made this app was because you could do anything you wanted on the PBase site on an iPhone/iPad EXCEPT upload.

Posts: 1003

Re: iPhone and iPad app

Post Wed Sep 28, 2011 6:46 pm

I would think viewable and usable are two very different things.

Specific to PBase, I agree the iPad is big enough to do a reasonable job with the website. However, people typically want to 'manage' photos as part of their 'upload and manage' process. the iPad is not a photo taking device - even the new one has a camera. Its clunky taking photos with a tablet.

The target device for your app is really the iPhone - since it has a camera, people want and do take photos with it, and then manage it in the iphone app itself. And in the iPhone, your website is viewable, but not usable from a workflow perspective. This is the main reason why most companies who have a perfectly functioning website also launch iphone optimized apps (or ipad where needed). Same really applies to PBase. I would actually also argue that a tablet optimized version of PBase will benefit the iPad too, but given the degree of usability, iPhones are more important.
I don't check forums very often these days, so if you need to get a response from me, please send me an email (see my profile) and NOT a PM.

Posts: 1248

Re: iPhone and iPad app

Post Wed Sep 28, 2011 7:34 pm

Am I the only one with this reversed username/password layout? I figured out how to use it.. and, CKirby, you make it sound as if you were doing us all a big favor by making something that works with the stuff/devices users USE in the year 2011.

Anyhow, thus far it works, and I added a photo to my semidaily gallery by replacing the default "inbox."

PBase Admin
PBase Admin
Posts: 85

Re: iPhone and iPad app

Post Wed Sep 28, 2011 7:57 pm

jypsee wrote:Am I the only one with this reversed username/password layout?

That is extremely bizarre, I don't understand how that could happen. All I can say is try reinstalling it...

jypsee wrote:CKirby, you make it sound as if you were doing us all a big favor by making something that works with the stuff/devices users USE in the year 2011.

I have no idea what that sentence means.

Posts: 1248

Re: iPhone and iPad app

Post Wed Sep 28, 2011 8:02 pm

ckirby wrote:
jypsee wrote:Am I the only one with this reversed username/password layout?

That is extremely bizarre, I don't understand how that could happen. All I can say is try reinstalling it...

jypsee wrote:CKirby, you make it sound as if you were doing us all a big favor by making something that works with the stuff/devices users USE in the year 2011.

I have no idea what that sentence means.

Rebooted.... no change...but, not a problem, either. I figured it out.

and, here's what I'm referring to
The only reason I even made this app was because you could do anything you wanted on the PBase site on an iPhone/iPad EXCEPT upload.

Posts: 97

Re: iPhone and iPad app

Post Thu Sep 29, 2011 3:28 am

I also have the reversed username/password fields. Not a big deal, once I put each in the wrong (or right, depending on how you think of it) box it works great. I did have a problem with improper orientation of one photo I uploaded, but I see you say there is a problem with EXIF that should be resolved, so that may be all it is. Otherwise, it works like a charm!!!!! Thanks for making it available.

Posts: 80

Re: iPhone and iPad app

Post Thu Sep 29, 2011 7:29 am

Really pleased that this has been developed - works fine for me!

Posts: 10

Re: iPhone and iPad app

Post Thu Sep 29, 2011 4:22 pm

Works fine for me. Simple and just what I was looking for - a way to move files into pbase when I am on the road or at my summer place. Good work!

Posts: 1

Re: iPhone and iPad app

Post Thu Sep 29, 2011 8:54 pm

jypsee wrote:Am I the only one with this reversed username/password layout? I figured out how to use it.. and, CKirby, you make it sound as if you were doing us all a big favor by making something that works with the stuff/devices users USE in the year 2011.

Anyhow, thus far it works, and I added a photo to my semidaily gallery by replacing the default "inbox."

I had the same reversed fields username / password too. I figured it out, logged in, uploaded my photo into the inbox, and when I tried to move the photo from the inbox to a specific gallery, it disappeared. Now pb uploader is frozen on my iPad, and I can't log out or do anything with it.

I think this is a wonderful app, but maybe not quite ready for prime time ? Or most likely as a user, I'm not ready for prime time due to my "user error". I just wish I knew what I did wrong !


Posts: 47

Re: iPhone and iPad app

Post Sat Oct 01, 2011 6:42 am

I tried to send a pic from my iPad to my inbox at pBase, it shows loading 1 of 1 images, the progress bar advances the full length and then I get this...

"Uploading 3 of 1"

And that's where it hangs!


Posts: 47

Re: iPhone and iPad app

Post Sat Oct 01, 2011 6:44 am

I also have the same issue with the reversed login.


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