Board index PBase News iPhone and iPad app


iPhone and iPad app

Posts: 1248

Re: iPhone and iPad app

Post Tue Apr 24, 2012 5:38 pm

OK... like everything here on Pbase, there's a trick to getting stuff to work. So, I tried using my uploader in portrait mode (I usually use landscape mode) and this time the damn thing worked as it should.
So, put your iPad in portrait mode, especially if you're choosing the last photo in the roll (camera roll album, etc.).

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Re: iPhone and iPad app

Post Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:39 pm

We are checking the app code, and have found a couple of things to change that could fix the problem. Since, we can't replicate it ourselves, it is hard to tell for sure. The information about portrait vs landscape is very helpful for us. Thank you for the extra bit of information. We will post here once the new version is available in the app store.


Posts: 3065
Location: Cypress, Texas

Re: iPhone and iPad app

Post Thu Apr 26, 2012 5:43 pm

I'm not sure about Ipads but the Android app works fine. I upload them here, but not exclusively because I have done a couple of Pblog entries.

Posts: 4

Re: iPhone and iPad app -- AppPear !!

Post Wed May 09, 2012 4:08 pm

Pbase Viewer by AppPear - I may be the first to download this app as it has not been rated in the store.

when I start the ap I get a message:
NO URL given
Please give your pbase gallery url address and restart the app

I click Go to Settings button and I’m sent to the pbase home page.
I don't see any way to access "settings" to establish the home URL.

The ap lists the creator's pbase URL as /arachno1 but this account has expired ? (odd)

Posts: 613
Location: Palatine, IL

Re: iPhone and iPad app

Post Thu May 10, 2012 5:12 pm

Hi Steve,

I downloaded this a while back. You have to go to the Settings under the main Iphone Settings and set the Home page from there. There isn't a settings button on the App itself.

The app itself is ok. I would give it maybe 2 or 3 stars. It doesn't do anything other than offer the ability to expand the pictures in each gallery to a full screen view and lets you swipe forward or backward. Still not a clean interface.

Karthik Raja Photography -
Incredible India at

Posts: 6

Re: iPhone and iPad app

Post Thu May 10, 2012 8:13 pm


- Settings, as Karthik mentions is under the main iPad/iPhone settings
- Try the small i (=info) button, that gives all the explanations how gestures work in different modes. Basically a tap on the right side = forward a picture, tap left = backward a picture. Swipes act like back or forth in a browser. It makes possible flexible viewing of images on your device.
- I might be partial, because my 16 yrs old son made the whole thing. If you are more specific about "Still not a clean interface", or there are any comments, we welcome it, and try to build into a next version.

Should you have a better opinion then 2 or 3, we welcome that , too :), but if you have any difficulties, let us know, e.g. here, we will try to cure.


p.s. The pbse account is (not arachno1), it is alive

Posts: 1248

Re: iPhone and iPad app

Post Sun May 20, 2012 7:33 pm

iPad app crashes, won't upload in portrait or landscape mode. I'm uploading from my iPhone successfully, but after the latest update (version 1.3.0 on 5/15/12) my iPad won't upload. Needless to say I'm not updating the iPhone version.
Please fix this.

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Re: iPhone and iPad app

Post Mon May 21, 2012 12:46 pm

Sorry about version 1.3.0, I'm not sure how I let that happen but it is quite broken. The fix has been submitted and will arrive any day now.

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Posts: 85

Re: iPhone and iPad app

Post Tue May 29, 2012 5:25 pm

The new version (1.3.1) is out now, let me know if anyone has any problems.

Posts: 6

iPhone and iPad app

Post Sat Dec 08, 2012 12:05 pm

Just to let you know, that a completely new and rewritten/redesigned version of PBASE VIEWER App is out in the AppStore. The App is compatible with all iOs devices (iPads, iPhones, including 5, iPod Touch-es). Have your PBASE Galleries always with you! With PBASE VIEWER navigation is done with gestures (forget small next/previous buttons). Start a full-screen slide show of any gallery from any picture. Dedicated hideable toolbar. Download or share picture.

What's New in Version 2.0

- Completely rewritten for higher speed, new functionality and more consistent behavior
- iOS 6 and iPhone 5 compatibility
- Modified user interface and gestures
- Integrated help and settings screens on first start
- Full-screen slideshow with transition and duration preferences
- Share pictures on Facebook or Twitter

Posts: 30

Re: iPhone and iPad app

Post Wed Oct 25, 2017 3:59 pm

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Posts: 2

Re: iPhone and iPad app

Post Sat Jan 27, 2024 7:37 pm

It's 2024 and IOS 17 is out. I could not find your app in the App Store and the version I have on my iPad will not begin the upload. Is this application still supported or available?

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Posts: 745

Re: iPhone and iPad app

Post Sat Jan 27, 2024 9:35 pm


You should now be able to upload via the browser on your iPad. Please email with specifics if not.



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