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Dashboard and Comment Management

Site Admin
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Posts: 745

Re: Dashboard and Comment Management

Post Wed Sep 21, 2011 6:10 pm

Hi Everybody,

We made some adjustments to the style of the comments listed in the dashboard and comment management pages. We've gotten rid of some empty space and made the blue header bar one line instead of two.

We also tweaked the change in a visited PM Reply button. In most browsers, a visited PM Reply button will now have a light blue background (like visited commenter links) and a dark blue arrow. People using IE7, who did not see any change in visited links before should now see the difference.

A couple of people have mentioned that the visited indication goes away if they switch to a different browser. This is how it should be. PBase is not tracking which comments you have PM Replied to. Your browser is doing that. We're just telling the browser to make those visited links look a little different. So, if you switch browsers or computers, you will not know which comments you have replied to from elsewhere.


Posts: 282

Re: Thank you!

Post Wed Sep 21, 2011 11:07 pm

yardbird wrote:I find it amusing that people complain so much and think they can dictate how Pbase should be run. It is great that Pbase even has a forum where we can ask for features - politely, but I can't expect the company to design a photo site according to just my liking. I don't see people asking Google to change Picasa, Yahoo to change Flickr or Facebook to change their site.

Um, have you checked the news today? :wink: :lol:

(Sorry, couldn't resist what with all the FB turmoil going on. Emphasis in the above quote is mine.)


Posts: 78

Re: Dashboard and Comment Management

Post Fri Sep 23, 2011 10:27 pm

Personally, I like the dashboard and like it more every day - I always found the profile to be clunky and ugly but used it because it was there - I have not used the profile page since the dashboard was introduced.

Posts: 45

Re: Dashboard and Comment Management

Post Sat Sep 24, 2011 6:10 am

emily wrote:Hi Everybody,

We made some adjustments to the style of the comments listed in the dashboard and comment management pages. We've gotten rid of some empty space and made the blue header bar one line instead of two.

We also tweaked the change in a visited PM Reply button. In most browsers, a visited PM Reply button will now have a light blue background (like visited commenter links) and a dark blue arrow. People using IE7, who did not see any change in visited links before should now see the difference.

A couple of people have mentioned that the visited indication goes away if they switch to a different browser. This is how it should be. PBase is not tracking which comments you have PM Replied to. Your browser is doing that. We're just telling the browser to make those visited links look a little different. So, if you switch browsers or computers, you will not know which comments you have replied to from elsewhere.


The light blue background color is now visible since the tweaking (Firefox). A darker color would be even better.

Posts: 29

Re: Dashboard and Comment Management

Post Sat Sep 24, 2011 10:14 pm

jkrnm5 wrote:
The light blue background color is now visible since the tweaking (Firefox). A darker color would be even better.

It would be much better. May I suggest dark green? :mrgreen:

Posts: 2701

Re: Dashboard and Comment Management

Post Sun Sep 25, 2011 11:53 pm

emily wrote:Hi Everybody,

We made some adjustments to the style of the comments listed in the dashboard and comment management pages...


Thanks for listening and working on specific changes that do make things easier to understand. Thanks also for changing links to the now much clearer "Recent" and "Settings" links. Much appreciated!

- Andrys

Posts: 17

Re: Dashboard and Comment Management

Post Mon Sep 26, 2011 4:22 am

I like it...has much better look and is easier to use than the way it was...

Posts: 575

Re: Dashboard and Comment Management

Post Wed Oct 05, 2011 1:38 pm

Please change at least the "home" tab back to the profile page or even the root gallery from the "dashboard." That switch just really reaks of forcing feature farther down user throats. Forcing me to have to go to a page to click another link or start typing the corrrect url are not endearing qualities. You waste my time, good will and your bandwidth. The release came off as forceful not beneficial. From the number of complaints, pbase is far better at not creating new features and keeping the site up and stable.

A suggestion for improvement
A remove or hide dashboard option for the account. I can look at my profile page and see the dates for comments and figure out if there are any new ones. There is nothing I liked about the dashboard from the roll out, even giving it a second look after adjustments were made. Nothing at all. My response is to flee from the page as fast as possible. If it went completely away, I would be happy and more forgiving. It saddens me to say that about PBase. Normally features I don't care about are ignored and glad it makes some other users happy.

Another suggestion is put it as a link/option just like the "view full statistics" feature on the profile page. Problems solved. Some will use it and some won't. You can listen to the users that want and like it then tweak to their suggestion. Ignoring a link and scrolling past it is pretty easy. You don't have to scrap all the work nor deal with hurt feelings with the projector creator(s)

One of the reasons I continued to use and pay pbase was for the very important fact my account was left alone and as a user I was left in peace.This fact was mentioned in letters sent with payments. The dashboard has destroyed that condition. Free sites get away with ramming changes down peoples throat with no option to the users except to leave, sites that collect money don't only risk loosing a user, they gamble with a source of income. When people complained about not having what they want in the forums I often said you can make it clear with your wallet. There are plenty of free photo hosting sites, if I want to be treated that way. The value in pbase has greatly diminished. Partial site navigation is an "annoyance" to use polite wording.

My prior support and then payment history speaks to how much I liked and wanted to support PBase to the point I'm at 3 years before I would have to send another payment in. Although I was very likely to send another one to make sure a piece of local social history and friends was always there while sites like geocites, aol hometown, earthlink, mindspring and numerous other names hosted websites disappeared. I liked Pbase because it didn't follow image shack, flikr and numerous other sites behavior patterns. That at times made me wonder whether they were trying to drive away a certain user demographic group or to slow down growth.

Now Pbase's behavior has changed. This an extremely out of character style for added features and one that was not well thought out. The amount of free photo hosting with direct linking not to mention link previews that display images all eat away at the features & value here. The being left in peace was one of the biggest draws and values for me. Which has been greatly reduced.

I have no interests in most the widgets and java script people tried to cram on their pbase accounts. I felt it was great when all scripts got banded. Cleaned up and made browsing other's galleries' pleasant and peaceful. Nowadays I seldom browse other PBase users. The "statistics" feature was nice and an occasional interest more for the random images. When I want to see the number of hits I still prefer the edit gallery option.

I'm Sorry Emily, I know it must hurt personally for your project to receive such a harsh and negative rejection.

A simple drag and drop from the user desktop would have been a feature more usable and better received.

As far as facebook changes mentioned in other posts, they've pretty much lost me for their attitudes over user content and the pathetic attempts to add features farther down grading the site and interface. FB present level may be a plan "..if users start paying they'll quit writing new code...". I'm on my way out and planing my exit move and content downloads.
I was ready to support Live Journal until the way LJ acted about deleting people's accounts and communities without warning. Without any thought than key wording without any review of actual content.. This happened a couple years back and it will be a few more years before they re-earn trust to get any financially support. None of the "extra" features for paid accounts matter to me but I'm also that "sucker" who sent money to people for share ware. I was at the point of buying a permanent account until LJ's staff went on an out of control site change rampage and shutting numerous fandoms and slash communities down, going after breastfeeding communities and/or icons as pornography ect. They still haven't recovered some the great writers and fanbase. Translated there are enough other sites out there, if you ignore how I(users) want to be treated, I(users) will find another option. Churn is part of the industry but once you foster ill will with your customers, it is very hard to undo the damage. I've gone form feeling part of the site to be a customer that needs to consider all other options. That is not the PBase I supported.

I have time left on my account to wait and watch with hope that the PBase I cared about run by people that respected their users and their desires will come back. Instead of the making new shiny features that just rehash information in a less useful way for the sake of we need an update to something philosophy. To help spread our greatest project 4evar we'll force it and change the site navigation so everyone will wind up into it whether they wanted to or not....
Bill Freeman
"A picture may be worth a thousand words, but usually consumes the bandwidth of more than two thousand." --Gym Quirk
Many great words of wisdom and advice

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Posts: 745

Re: Dashboard and Comment Management

Post Wed Oct 05, 2011 4:09 pm

thresholdprod wrote:Another suggestion is put it as a link/option just like the "view full statistics" feature on the profile page. Problems solved. Some will use it and some won't. You can listen to the users that want and like it then tweak to their suggestion. Ignoring a link and scrolling past it is pretty easy. You don't have to scrap all the work nor deal with hurt feelings with the projector creator(s)
Partial site navigation is an "annoyance" to use polite wording.

Everything in the left side navigation is a link to another page. Clicking on your number of images, galleries, and pageviews takes you to your full statistics page.

Everything that you could get to from your profile page, you can also get to from your dashboard page. If there are tools/links that you would like added, let us know so we can see about adding them.

I hope this helps.

Posts: 176

Re: Dashboard and Comment Management

Post Fri Oct 07, 2011 7:05 am

Why can.t the aggregate page view count be updated from the dashboard??
Bob Waggoner
Photographs comprise the communal memory of our times. (Unknown)

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Posts: 745

Re: Dashboard and Comment Management

Post Tue Oct 11, 2011 1:26 pm

waggonerphotos wrote:Why can.t the aggregate page view count be updated from the dashboard??

I'm not sure what you're asking for. Can you give me some more details?

Posts: 176

Re: Dashboard and Comment Management

Post Fri Oct 14, 2011 8:01 am

emily wrote:
waggonerphotos wrote:Why can.t the aggregate page view count be updated from the dashboard??

I'm not sure what you're asking for. Can you give me some more details?

From the Profile page, using the latest version of FF, F5 refreshes the total number of page views. This can not be done from the dashboard.
However, if you do an F5 refresh on the profile page and then go back to the dashboard and again hit F5, now the total number of page views are updated.
Bob Waggoner
Photographs comprise the communal memory of our times. (Unknown)

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Posts: 745

Re: Dashboard and Comment Management

Post Fri Oct 14, 2011 1:14 pm

Thanks for the explanation. We'll get that working the same way as the profile page.

Site Admin
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Posts: 745

Re: Dashboard and Comment Management

Post Mon Oct 17, 2011 4:54 pm

waggonerphotos wrote:From the Profile page, using the latest version of FF, F5 refreshes the total number of page views. This can not be done from the dashboard.
However, if you do an F5 refresh on the profile page and then go back to the dashboard and again hit F5, now the total number of page views are updated.

This is working now. If your pageviews are up-to-date, they will display to you normally. If not, a spinning red circle will indicate that the updated value is being loaded. When the up-to-date value is ready, it will appear.


Posts: 176

Re: Dashboard and Comment Management

Post Tue Oct 18, 2011 3:57 am

emily wrote:
waggonerphotos wrote:From the Profile page, using the latest version of FF, F5 refreshes the total number of page views. This can not be done from the dashboard.
However, if you do an F5 refresh on the profile page and then go back to the dashboard and again hit F5, now the total number of page views are updated.

This is working now. If your pageviews are up-to-date, they will display to you normally. If not, a spinning red circle will indicate that the updated value is being loaded. When the up-to-date value is ready, it will appear.


Although not a big fan of the dashboard, I do appreciate your response and wish to say Thank You!
If these changes all tie together in the future, as I suspect they will, the effort may indeed be worthwhile!
Bob Waggoner
Photographs comprise the communal memory of our times. (Unknown)


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