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Dashboard and Comment Management

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Posts: 745

Dashboard and Comment Management

Post Mon Aug 29, 2011 5:34 pm

Hello Everybody!

We are pleased to announce the new Dashboard page and Comment Management page.

The Dashboard is replacing parts of your old profile page. The dashboard is for you. Your profile will be for visitors. You will go to your dashboard to see recent comments, new mails, your account status, and see if anybody from your *favorites, family, or friends usergroups have any recent uploads. If you participate in the PAD feature, recent PAD uploads will also be on your dashboard. This is the first step in turning the profile page into the page where you tell visitors who you are and can better customize the layout and style to match your galleries.
**edit: We have added a "settings" link beside the Dashboard link in the side navigation. Here, you can customize what you see on your dashboard.

The Comment Management page now does deletes and public/non-public changes in the background, without reloading the management page. Comments on images or galleries that have been deleted appear now as well.

Feedback is greatly appreciated. Please remember that if you have any problems with display or functionality, information about your operating system and browser (including version) is very helpful.
If there is something that you don't like, find to be missing, or would like added, please let us know specifically what those things are.

Thanks and Enjoy!
-The PBase Team

Posts: 362

Re: Dashboard and Comment Management

Post Mon Aug 29, 2011 5:39 pm

I like it!

Posts: 34

Re: Dashboard and Comment Management

Post Mon Aug 29, 2011 5:49 pm

looks good

Posts: 230

Re: Dashboard and Comment Management

Post Mon Aug 29, 2011 5:57 pm

The link under Dashboard is wrong.

Site Admin
Site Admin
Posts: 745

Re: Dashboard and Comment Management

Post Mon Aug 29, 2011 6:00 pm

norbertf wrote:The link under Dashboard is wrong.

I don't see what you mean. Can you give me some more details?

*edit* Nevermind, I found it. Thank you!

Posts: 122
Location: Eastern Ontario, Canada

Re: Dashboard and Comment Management

Post Mon Aug 29, 2011 6:08 pm

Very slick! I've been wanting a more efficient way to delete old comments.

Gordon W

Posts: 3

Re: Dashboard and Comment Management

Post Mon Aug 29, 2011 6:17 pm

Not too happy with the layout of the comments page. I ask people to give me an email address so that I may copy and paste. It has always been so succesful but now I get the name, the email address and sometimes the small image too which, of course, means an edit to get only the address that I want..

Is there something else I can do to get back to what I had?


Posts: 2

Re: Dashboard and Comment Management

Post Mon Aug 29, 2011 6:24 pm

Clicking on 'comments'/'view all comments' leads to internal server error message.

Posts: 2

Re: Dashboard and Comment Management

Post Mon Aug 29, 2011 6:26 pm

That was fast!!! Thanks, problem is solved.

Site Admin
Site Admin
Posts: 745

Re: Dashboard and Comment Management

Post Mon Aug 29, 2011 6:32 pm

ianbell wrote:Not too happy with the layout of the comments page. I ask people to give me an email address so that I may copy and paste. It has always been so succesful but now I get the name, the email address and sometimes the small image too which, of course, means an edit to get only the address that I want..

Is there something else I can do to get back to what I had?


Depending on your browser, you can try triple clicking the email address, or selecting the email address by highlighting from right to left instead of left to right.

Posts: 589

Re: Dashboard and Comment Management

Post Mon Aug 29, 2011 6:47 pm

Frankly speaking I’m not so terribly enthusiastic of these changes. I definitely preferred to get directly to my profile page.

This dashboard thing shows me a lot of pictures I don’t care for as PaD uploads, which I don’t follow,
but doesn’t show all the different groups of my favourite artist,
only two of them and I don’t know according what logic these two groups are chosen among all the one I have created to classify my favourites.

It seem to me that this new look reflects this Twitter-mania, that is a kind of anxiety to show only the most recent two or three things.

Shortly and quickly.

It’s not necessary what I like in photography.
But it’s not such a tragedy.
With two more clicks I can get back to my profile page and find again my favourites as I had classed them.
For me it’s just a little waste of time.
Too many little pictures a little too flashy.
I’m an elderly old-fashioned person without any doubts, but I prefer classical appearance,
less flashy and comprehensive of more information I care for.

I’ll get used…
Oh, please don't change my profile page, please!!!!
"Arguments are to be avoided; they are always vulgar and often convincing."
~Oscar Wilde~

Posts: 1

Re: Dashboard and Comment Management

Post Mon Aug 29, 2011 6:57 pm

emily wrote:Hello Everybody!

We are pleased to announce the new Dashboard page and Comment Management page.

The Dashboard is replacing parts of your old profile page. You will go to your dashboard to see recent comments, new mails, your account status, and see if anybody from your *favorites, family, or friends usergroups have any recent uploads. If you participate in the PAD feature, recent PAD uploads will also be on your dashboard. This is the first step in turning the profile page into the page where you tell visitors who you are.

The Comment Management page now does deletes and public/non-public changes in the background, without reloading the management page. Comments on images or galleries that have been deleted appear now as well.

Feedback is greatly appreciated. Please remember that if you have any problems with display or functionality, information about your operating system and browser (including version) is very helpful.

Thanks and Enjoy!
-The PBase Team

This is a first, uploading one image taking forever. Is there a problem?

Posts: 955

Re: Dashboard and Comment Management

Post Mon Aug 29, 2011 7:22 pm

mardoli wrote:Frankly speaking I’m not so terribly enthusiastic of these changes. I definitely preferred to get directly to my profile page.

I see your point. My suggestion there (if it wouldn't involve too much recoding) would be to replace the single Home tab on the navigation bar with a Profile tab and a Dashboard tab.

mardoli wrote:This dashboard thing shows me a lot of pictures I don’t care for as PaD uploads, which I don’t follow,

I think that their intention there was good. I look at the PADs listing every so often, but it's frustrating because so many people abuse it by flagging non-PAD galleries as PAD ones just so that they'll show up in an extra location. Consequently I don't think I'd necessarily have the most recent PAD galleries on my dashboard by choice. I might have the Recents there, though.

mardoli wrote:but doesn’t show all the different groups of my favourite artist, only two of them and I don’t know according what logic these two groups are chosen among all the one I have created to classify my favourites.

I'm only seeing one; my primary Favourites one.

mardoli wrote:It seem to me that this new look reflects this Twitter-mania, that is a kind of anxiety to show only the most recent two or three things.

Shortly and quickly.

It’s not necessary what I like in photography.

I take your point, though admittedly a dashboard is supposed to be just a summary of quick links which you then drill down into to get detail. My one suggestion would be that it be made customisable so that we could choose which user groups, PAD galleries, Recent galleries, Popular Galleries etc summary appear on our dashboard. (Unless that functionality does actually exist somewhere and I've missed it.)

Posts: 4

Re: Dashboard and Comment Management

Post Mon Aug 29, 2011 7:25 pm

I dont like the new system at all.
Do I have a choice ?.
Can I go back to how it was ?.

Site Admin
Site Admin
Posts: 745

Re: Dashboard and Comment Management

Post Mon Aug 29, 2011 7:26 pm

To Marisa:

The usergroups that are displayed by default are *favorites, family, and friends. We chose these because they are the most commonly used names. I'll see what I can come up with to let you specify which usergroups you want to see on your dashboard.

If you click on the title of the usergroup, you will go to the full favorites page for that usergroup. From there, you can go to other usergroups. So, no need to go to the profile page and then favorites.

I hope that with a little more time, you will find the dashboard to be more useful than the old profile page.


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