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PBase Admin
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Re: New Edit Image Page

Post Thu Apr 07, 2011 8:59 pm

mccartney wrote:I like it, especially the drag and drop. Have found one problem however - when viewing "gallery details" the description field is blank.

Thanks for the catch, should be fixed now.
arjunrc wrote:b) You have a button called 'load all images'. Consider also adding 'load next set of images' - In my case, I have a pblog with around 900 images. I wanted to edit an image that did not show up in the first set, but I had to wait for around 1 minutes before all my images loaded up.

Approved, I'll get working on that. In the meantime, if you want to be able to edit such a large gallery, consider using the 'original edit page' link at the bottom left of the page. This will let you edit the gallery the old way and will only load the first 20 thumbnails. However, on this page you can actually edit the sequence numbers of the unloaded thumbnails.
arjunrc wrote:c) Looks like you update the DB real-time when I drag and drop. This suggestion may go both ways, but is it better to have an apply button so I can experiment before I apply ? It will be faster, also works as a sort of 'undo any bad things', and you can do a JS popup that says 'you have changes that are not implemented. Apply?' if you detect some threshold of changes, or the user tries to close the window without applying.

Don't really like the idea of the apply button since it is easy enough to undo any changes you made anyway. If you want to really go nuts experimenting with the order or your gallery and then revert it back quickly here is a work around:
• open up a new tab with the edit page loaded
• select all
• shift-click the first thumbnail so that you have everything but the first thumbnail selected
• go to your other tab and go nuts rearranging stuff
• once you want to revert everything back, switch tabs again and drag and drop your selection to the right of the thumbnail that isnt selected
• order restored!

You do bring up a good point about the DB updating every time you move stuff around. I believe I can change it so that your requests are queued up and not reliant on a response. Right now the code locks the page up while it waits for a response back, so this change would let you get stuff done a lot faster. We also plan on making it so that uploads can be done in the background (and will probably add a loading bar to boot).

Posts: 1

Re: New Edit Image Page

Post Thu Apr 07, 2011 9:43 pm


Posts: 1065

Re: New Edit Image Page

Post Thu Apr 07, 2011 10:57 pm

I like the drop and drag feature - will be arranging galleries much easier :)

Posts: 131

Re: New Edit Image Page

Post Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:32 pm

first impressions:
opening a gallery, nothing is selected, you have to click one, only by mouse-over the Image info appears

an alternative approach could be
- first picture/gallery is selected by default
- using the arrow-keys of the keyboard or clicking to select another
- the image-info of the selected one stays on top, not linked to mouse-over anymore

the image info indicates n° of views only .... would it be possible to add the n° of comments and maybe n° of votes

Posts: 1

Re: New Edit Image Page

Post Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:34 pm

Wow! What a timesaver this is going to be! Working fine on Safari 5.0.4 Thanks!!!

Posts: 131

Re: New Edit Image Page

Post Fri Apr 08, 2011 12:08 am


dragging a photo to another gallery, a pop-up choice move or copy would prevent mistakes.

Posts: 2
Location: Quebec Canada

Re: New Edit Image Page

Post Fri Apr 08, 2011 12:55 am

Wow ! Congratulations and thank you !!!!!!!!!! Love this tool! ! ! !!! :D

Posts: 1

Re: New Edit Image Page

Post Fri Apr 08, 2011 1:18 am


Nice tool, and well developed, but...the drag an drop with the windows drag and drop files straight from the computer. I mean, if you can open a folder in the computer, choose many files and dragging them to the tree or screen of this new tool???? Or maybe the drag and drop is only for move and copy inside files INSIDE the tool????
I can make the second choice, but I can't the first one. I can't drag and drop files from my compouter to the new tool screen. I try this in Mozilla Firfox 4.0 y Safari 5.0.4. over a Windows 7 64 bits plattform.

Anybody can help me????


Posts: 1

Re: New Edit Image Page

Post Fri Apr 08, 2011 2:29 am

I love it ! . . . Great practical addition to the editing of our Pbase galleries . . good work !

Posts: 99

Re: New Edit Image Page

Post Fri Apr 08, 2011 3:37 am

Very cool!! I'll be fiddling with this more soon. Thanks, PBase, for keeping users in mind with these great improvements!!!

In search of a world of kindness:

Posts: 162

Re: New Edit Image Page

Post Fri Apr 08, 2011 3:52 am

uh that's quite an improvement.

Posts: 2

Re: New Edit Page

Post Fri Apr 08, 2011 4:20 am

This is a BIG step!
:idea: :idea: :idea:

Posts: 1

Re: New Edit Page

Post Fri Apr 08, 2011 5:56 am

I can't delete text so that there is no text at all under the picture..when I take the text away it just pops back up after updating and showing the gallery - don't know if this has any connection with the new editing tool..?

Posts: 1

Re: New Edit Page

Post Fri Apr 08, 2011 8:35 am

Excellent, Loved it. Big Improvement.
I still have to play with it a bit, but it is so much more comfortable them the old way.

Posts: 1

Re: New Edit Page

Post Fri Apr 08, 2011 8:56 am

Very nice upgrade tools drage and drop to rearrange any image or delete.
Hope someday have more background colors and supporting fonts for the stylist :D



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