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New Edit Page

PBase Admin
PBase Admin
Posts: 85

New Edit Page

Post Thu Apr 07, 2011 1:07 pm

Hello everybody, I'm here to announce that the newfangled Edit Gallery page is ready for beta testing. You can go check it out at We have tested the page rather extensively, but we acknowledge that there might be some bugs we missed and that is why we would like all of you guys to test it out and give us some feedback. The new page requires fairly up to date browsers (IE7 or less won't work*) and if your computer is slow it might not work as smoothly as you would like (especially if you have big galleries or a big gallery tree).

This page lets you rearrange your photos by dragging and dropping them as you see fit. Additionally, there is a fully expandable gallery tree structure on the left. You can drop images on the tree to move them from one gallery to another. You can rearrange your tree structure via drag and drop as well. All the stuff that you could do on the old Edit Gallery page remains but obviously the way you go about doing those things will be a little different. A lot of the functions have been implemented in the various buttons along the top of the screen. All of the gallery settings can be accessed through the various tabs. We will be adding the ability to re-upload images via the Edit Image tab.


* If you are running IE8 but still get the browser incompatibility message, you are probably running in "compatibility mode". For instructions to disable compatibility mode, take a look at ... t+explorer

14-Apr-2011 - Reuploading is now available via the Edit Image tab.

Posts: 2276

Re: New Edit Image Page

Post Thu Apr 07, 2011 2:17 pm

Slick :mrgreen:

Posts: 1

Re: New Edit Image Page

Post Thu Apr 07, 2011 4:17 pm

Love it!

Posts: 56

Re: New Edit Image Page

Post Thu Apr 07, 2011 4:25 pm

Excellent tool!

Posts: 70

Re: New Edit Image Page

Post Thu Apr 07, 2011 4:37 pm

Great - one's pbase edit page becomes just like the progs properly founded on the mac OS, like GraphicConverter, Nikon View browser windows....except can't go to original size in one step?

(from Safari 5.04)

Posts: 6

Re: New Edit Image Page

Post Thu Apr 07, 2011 4:42 pm

Bravo! Thank you, staff.

Posts: 1003

Re: New Edit Image Page

Post Thu Apr 07, 2011 4:44 pm

Very nice. Here are some quick comments:

1. Love the fact that I don't have to wait for ALL the images to load before I start editing
2. Slick drag-n-drop
3. on snow leopard with chrome 11 - works great
4. excellent image summary at the top - very useful
5. Oooh - you've implemented group selections and drag - cool.

Some suggestions:

a) Consider showing the date of the images as well in addition to captions

b) You have a button called 'load all images'. Consider also adding 'load next set of images' - In my case, I have a pblog with around 900 images. I wanted to edit an image that did not show up in the first set, but I had to wait for around 1 minutes before all my images loaded up.

c) Looks like you update the DB real-time when I drag and drop. This suggestion may go both ways, but is it better to have an apply button so I can experiment before I apply ? It will be faster, also works as a sort of 'undo any bad things', and you can do a JS popup that says 'you have changes that are not implemented. Apply?' if you detect some threshold of changes, or the user tries to close the window without applying.

ckirby wrote:Hello everybody, I'm here to announce that the newfangled Edit Gallery page is ready for beta testing. You can go check it out at We have tested the page rather extensively, but we acknowledge that there might be some bugs we missed and that is why we would like all of you guys to test it out and give us some feedback. The new page requires fairly up to date browsers (IE7 or less won't work) and if your computer is slow it might not work as smoothly as you would like (especially if you have big galleries or a big gallery tree).

This page lets you rearrange your photos by dragging and dropping them as you see fit. Additionally, there is a fully expandable gallery tree structure on the left. You can drop images on the tree to move them from one gallery to another. You can rearrange your tree structure via drag and drop as well. All the stuff that you could do on the old Edit Gallery page remains but obviously the way you go about doing those things will be a little different. A lot of the functions have been implemented in the various buttons along the top of the screen. All of the gallery settings can be accessed through the various tabs. We will be adding the ability to re-upload images via the Edit Image tab.

I don't check forums very often these days, so if you need to get a response from me, please send me an email (see my profile) and NOT a PM.

Posts: 96

Re: New Edit Image Page

Post Thu Apr 07, 2011 5:06 pm

I like it, especially the drag and drop. Have found one problem however - when viewing "gallery details" the description field is blank.
I frequently use the galleries description field to include html code that is specific to that particular gallery, so would be nice to have that fixed.
Overall a good tool though. :D
Barry McCartney Photography -

Posts: 914

Re: New Edit Image Page

Post Thu Apr 07, 2011 5:10 pm

Seems to work nice on quick try out. Like the drag and drop, seems much more intuitive than old way. Congrats on this. Agree with Arjun that an apply button might save some headaches (or a little bandwidth too?) Thanks.

Posts: 372

Re: New Edit Image Page

Post Thu Apr 07, 2011 5:30 pm

I do hope that anyone such as myself who does not have IE7 or higher will still be ok, without all the new bells and whistles. As long as Pbase will still function with IE6 for me, as it is currently doing, that's all I ask.
(Why don't I upgrade?? Can't afford any tech services, so tried myself way back when and screwed up my 8 year old computer that took me a week to make usuable again.)
You can't see the forest when you sneeze.

PBase Admin
PBase Admin
Posts: 85

Re: New Edit Image Page

Post Thu Apr 07, 2011 5:39 pm

The new edit page will still work in IE6 and IE7, you just won't be able to drag and drop stuff around. Instead, you will see a revamped version of the old edit page. I'm not quite sure how upgrading your browser would mess up your computer, but with IE who knows. I suggest at least trying out a different browser like Firefox of Chrome, you can always uninstall it if you have to or just never use it again.

Posts: 2

Re: New Edit Image Page

Post Thu Apr 07, 2011 6:59 pm

i like it...very smooth to work with :D

Posts: 2

Re: New Edit Image Page

Post Thu Apr 07, 2011 7:30 pm

What browers would you suggest for this feature?

PBase Admin
PBase Admin
Posts: 85

Re: New Edit Image Page

Post Thu Apr 07, 2011 7:43 pm

The most recent versions of Chrome, Safari, and Opera will probably run the site the best. Firefox and IE seem to be a little clunkier.

Posts: 9

Re: New Edit Image Page

Post Thu Apr 07, 2011 8:07 pm

nice, the few things I tried worked very smoothly - it's great that you guys keep working to update & improve this site


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