Board index PBase News PBase Statistics page returns


PBase Statistics page returns

Posts: 1

Re: PBase Statistics page returns

Post Sun May 22, 2011 9:20 am

10stephen10 wrote:Oh Gee........................Here we go again............................No Stat summeries for 5 days..................Maybe Pbase management should spend more time making sure the basic functions of this site work.................. then trying to add new features.................just a thought or I'm just plain angry!!!!!! SH

Hey, don't be unfair! They've only had a year and a half since the crash to fix it. No need to rush them.

Plus they have implemented the new Edit tool that totally changes usability (...NOT).


Posts: 240

Re: PBase Statistics page returns

Post Tue Aug 30, 2011 7:18 am

Still waiting this. 27 pages !
It seems that we are not attracted by cosmetic changes like the new edit page, social sharing buttons, dashboard and comment management, and later a new profile page.

Posts: 2276

Re: PBase Statistics page returns

Post Tue Aug 30, 2011 11:45 am

ac wrote:Still waiting this. 27 pages !
It seems that we are not attracted by cosmetic changes like the new edit page, social sharing buttons, dashboard and comment management, and later a new profile page.

ac - what do you find lacking? You're an early member, I'm curious to learn your views.

Posts: 240

Re: PBase Statistics page returns

Post Tue Aug 30, 2011 2:08 pm


Same for stats as for edit page, social sharing buttons, dashboard, comment management, and future profile page.
Stats are now with colored bars and little images.
BUT they are late, between two and four days late, when all is working well.
I need immediate stats as before, to know what works and what doesn't. Or at least once a day.
Who cares a feedback 4 days after the fact ?


Posts: 388

Re: PBase Statistics page returns

Post Sat Sep 24, 2011 3:27 pm

Helloooo! Just calling out into the dark...... Stats?
You have them or you don't!
Someday they'll invent a machine that can do all that for you. This pen and paper thing isn't gonna work! So get on your buckboard, don't spare the horses, and go into town and see if they have something like that.

Hey the little smile things work! Whew! That's good!


Board index PBase News PBase Statistics page returns

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