Board index PBase News PBase Statistics page returns


PBase Statistics page returns

PBase Admin
PBase Admin
Posts: 63

PBase Statistics page returns

Post Fri Nov 13, 2009 3:27 am

We are very happy to offer a look at the new statistics page to all the PBase users here in the forum. We would like to apologize again to those of you who missed this feature in its absence, however we think you will be pleased with the new page.

We are only linking to the new statistics from the forums for the time being. We plan to make some additions and tweaks to the page before it gets linked back to The page has been tested on several browsers and systems, but we are counting on your feedback to help improve it and catch any bugs that our testing may have missed.

The new page currently functions very similarly to the old one with some user interface improvements and an additional view that allows you to see the hourly breakdown of your aggregate traffic for a given day. The help page's statistics section has been updated to explain the navigation and layout of the page, but hopefully it will prove to be straightforward enough for most of you.

In addition to the new look and speed improvements, there is a whole new method being used for gathering and organizing hitcount data. This new method is an exciting improvement for a couple of reasons. The statistics is now all handled on dedicated hardware, which means we have taken some stress off of the main site, making PBase faster overall. It also allows us to provide you with more detailed information about your page views.

Please feel free to make suggestions. They will be taken into consideration.

Updated on 11/17/2009:

We recently added the ability to view your direct link statistics. You will notice a link in the top right of your stats pages that says 'direct links'. This link will reload the page you are on and display any relevant direct link statistics. Only images can have direct links, so the 'Most Viewed' table on the right of some stats pages will change to only showing image direct link stats. On the gallery stats pages the main graph will not change when you view direct link data, only the 'Most Viewed' table will change.

Posts: 1

Re: PBase Statistics page returns

Post Fri Nov 13, 2009 4:33 am

Thank you to the staff.
I explore it using IE8.0 on XP Professional, and it works well.
Wish it gets linked back to pages ASAP! :D

Posts: 4

Re: PBase Statistics page returns

Post Fri Nov 13, 2009 4:42 am

It works very well using Firefox 3.0.15 on Windows XP professional. Thanks for the update !

Posts: 40

Re: PBase Statistics page returns

Post Fri Nov 13, 2009 4:49 am

Looking good with Firefox 3.5.5 under Vista.

Posts: 106

Re: PBase Statistics page returns

Post Fri Nov 13, 2009 5:02 am

Looks Good with Win 7 with Firefox 3.5.5

Posts: 7

Re: PBase Statistics page returns

Post Fri Nov 13, 2009 5:13 am

Looks fine, but the aggregate, hourly and root don't reconcile in the number of views.

Site Admin
Site Admin
Posts: 598

Re: PBase Statistics page returns

Post Fri Nov 13, 2009 5:43 am

The stats pages are still very much in development.
We'll be adding new features and new information, and making changes to the layout and presentation.

dbrasco, you mentioned a problem with reconciliation. We'll try to improve the interface to clear up some of those questions, but here are some facts.
•The counter for a gallery is page views on the gallery page itself, it does not include page views of images within that gallery.
•Page views for a non-existent gallery are currently counted as part of the aggregate count, but are not shown as belonging to either a gallery or an image, so summing the counters for image+gallery might not equal the total. We'll probably modify this to count nonexistent gallery views towards views of your root gallery since that's what a person would see if they try to view
•Similarly with views of images you've deleted.

You'll probably see some numbers that appear completely wrong. Spikes or other statistical anomalies. So far all case I've investigated are always some kind of bot.
For example I have a big spike in my aggregate a few days ago, but there was no real difference in the counters for my most viewed images or galleries.
Turns out that some senseless bot had hit a few thousand times which were all non-existent galleries.

We'll try to add more ways to view your data so you can investigate for yourself these numbers.
Nigel and Conrad have done a great job on the front-end display. But I still have more work to do on the back-end database performance tuning to make sure the system can handle the load of these complex queries. But we'll almost certainly have weekly and/or monthly totals fairly soon. We'll also have hitcounts for your direct linked images.
I've wanted these things for a long time, but the previous architecture couldn't efficiently handle them.
The page view counters shown on your image and gallery pages will also return.

Also know that we're not stopping after the stats pages are in good order. Lots of other things are in the pipeline.
(And thanks for all the positive encouraging emails. Apologies to those I haven't responded to yet. Been working.)


Posts: 270

Re: PBase Statistics page returns

Post Fri Nov 13, 2009 6:11 am

The new pages look really nice.

Thanks for the update and and advance look.

Posts: 89

Re: PBase Statistics page returns

Post Fri Nov 13, 2009 7:10 am

Thanks guys. I have been wondering when we would see the new stats info operational, and it's good to know that you guys are close. Looks pretty slick to me.


Posts: 3

Re: PBase Statistics page returns

Post Fri Nov 13, 2009 8:51 am

Stats page works well and loads very fast on Safari 4.0.3, Firefox 3.5.3, under Mac OS 10.5.8.

Stats page loaded, but was a little buggy (missing a few of the non-essential graphics) on Camino 1.6.10. Could be Camino's error...

Keep it up PBase Staff!

Posts: 707

Re: PBase Statistics page returns

Post Fri Nov 13, 2009 9:44 am

I do not see total page views. Is this no longer available?

Site Admin
Site Admin
Posts: 598

Re: PBase Statistics page returns

Post Fri Nov 13, 2009 11:12 am

mrmrl - We'll take a look at Camino. Thanks for checking that browser.
update - You're right, Camino 1.6 has some trouble. Camino 2 which is still in Beta seems to display everything well, so it's unlikely we'll make a workaround for the older version.

ronsc - total page views will return. we just have to finish combining the data from the old method of collecting statistics with the data from the new way.


Posts: 14

Re: PBase Statistics page returns

Post Fri Nov 13, 2009 12:36 pm

Brilliant work Slug, works a treat, wonderful improvement! :D

Posts: 18

Re: PBase Statistics page returns

Post Fri Nov 13, 2009 1:50 pm

Looks very good with windows 7 and Google Chrome

I found one problem.
When I click on a date left I can see the galleries right.
When I click on a gallery I don't see the images from that date but from 12 nov.
When I look from directory tree and I go to that specific gallery then I can see the images from that date.


Posts: 7

Re: PBase Statistics page returns

Post Fri Nov 13, 2009 2:14 pm

Thanks for getting the stats back. Can I make a suggestion though. I don't know what it's like in other browsers but I'm looking at them in IE7 and the images shown in the 'Images' and 'Galleries' lists are displayed above the stats and run down the page which means I have to scroll down to see the graphs for each day (they used to be to the right of the daily data). Is there any way to get them to run across the screen so there isn't so much blank space to either side of the page and I don't then have to scroll down (yeah I'm a lazy so and so :wink: )?

Spikes or other statistical anomalies. So far all case I've investigated are always some kind of bot.

As an aside, is there a way to stop spiders and bots from trawling through galleries?

Tracey and Simon Garrett


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