We are very happy to offer a look at the new statistics page to all the PBase users here in the forum. We would like to apologize again to those of you who missed this feature in its absence, however we think you will be pleased with the new page.
We are only linking to the new statistics from the forums for the time being. We plan to make some additions and tweaks to the page before it gets linked back to stats.pbase.com. The page has been tested on several browsers and systems, but we are counting on your feedback to help improve it and catch any bugs that our testing may have missed.
The new page currently functions very similarly to the old one with some user interface improvements and an additional view that allows you to see the hourly breakdown of your aggregate traffic for a given day. The help page's statistics section has been updated to explain the navigation and layout of the page, but hopefully it will prove to be straightforward enough for most of you.
In addition to the new look and speed improvements, there is a whole new method being used for gathering and organizing hitcount data. This new method is an exciting improvement for a couple of reasons. The statistics is now all handled on dedicated hardware, which means we have taken some stress off of the main site, making PBase faster overall. It also allows us to provide you with more detailed information about your page views.
Please feel free to make suggestions. They will be taken into consideration.
Updated on 11/17/2009:
We recently added the ability to view your direct link statistics. You will notice a link in the top right of your stats pages that says 'direct links'. This link will reload the page you are on and display any relevant direct link statistics. Only images can have direct links, so the 'Most Viewed' table on the right of some stats pages will change to only showing image direct link stats. On the gallery stats pages the main graph will not change when you view direct link data, only the 'Most Viewed' table will change.