Board index PBase News 24-Sep Downtime


24-Sep Downtime

Posts: 53

Re: 24-Sep Downtime

Post Fri Nov 13, 2009 11:47 pm

photographieur wrote:
larsjohnsson wrote:
robertwhite wrote:Thank you Pbase Team the new Stats page looks pretty cool nice work

But the new stats page shows a lot of clicks, even on all those days that Pbase was down. How can I have thousens of clicks when nobody could use Pbase because it was down :D :D :shock:

The answer is in the stat thread...!

I don't think so :D read the answer and the reply again......

Posts: 955

Re: 24-Sep Downtime

Post Sat Nov 14, 2009 1:21 am

larsjohnsson wrote:
photographieur wrote:
larsjohnsson wrote:But the new stats page shows a lot of clicks, even on all those days that Pbase was down. How can I have thousens of clicks when nobody could use Pbase because it was down :D :D :shock:

The answer is in the stat thread...!

I don't think so :D read the answer and the reply again......

I don't get it. You asked how you could have hits when PBase was down. Slug explained:

slug wrote:
larsjohnsson wrote:How can the statistics show a lot of clicks on the days that Pbase was down ???

It's because the webservers were still up and running. Direct linking was still functioning.
The pages were not being displayed properly (understatement) but requests were still coming in from search engines or other websites or bots.

The "hits" were therefore attempts to view your page, not successful attempts to view your pages.

How does that not answer your question?

Posts: 53

Re: 24-Sep Downtime

Post Sat Nov 14, 2009 8:06 am

I don't belive that there can be thousends of hits more on those days when Pbase was all down, compared to days/weeks it was working normal. My best/most hits was the days nobody could use Pbase or try to click on my pics.
I could understand if I still would get some clicks from direct linking. But not five times as many as when I had a normal working Pbase and also the direct linking together. Also I don't belive there is direct linking to thousends of my pics. Only to a few.....

Posts: 955

Re: 24-Sep Downtime

Post Sat Nov 14, 2009 8:58 am

larsjohnsson wrote:I don't belive that there can be thousends of hits more on those days when Pbase was all down, compared to days/weeks it was working normal. My best/most hits was the days nobody could use Pbase or try to click on my pics.
I could understand if I still would get some clicks from direct linking. But not five times as many as when I had a normal working Pbase and also the direct linking together. Also I don't belive there is direct linking to thousends of my pics. Only to a few.....

They're not "clicks", they're attempts to read the page. There doesn't have to be a human being clicking a mouse on the other end. I'm not an expert on indexing 'bots (like Google's, Yahoo's etc) but I would imagine that if a 'bot knows that a page is there and it can't read it, it may keep banging away on the door for a while; that is, trying to reload the page and thus generating phantom "hits". I also seem to have a ridiculously high number of "hits" for the period in question, and there's no way on the gods' little green earth I was really getting that many human viewers at that time; I hadn't been in my galleries since about July back then, and I normally get only a handful of hits per day when I haven't been updating them. (Certainly not the hundreds that I can see.) However this may help explain why I've never been able to reconcile PBase stats with StatCounter / Google Analytics stats; StatCounter only shows me actual reads on my page, not automated reads (or my own, which are filtered). If I can see the path that the user followed, I'll believe that it's a real hit. If it's a number on a page... well, that could be what we're seeing here. That's why I was never fussed about the stats as such; it's nice to see them back, but my main source of information will continue to be StatCounter if for no other reason than that the page really has to be loaded before the StatCounter code is triggered, and because it filters out the theoretical hits from web crawlers.

Posts: 4493

Re: 24-Sep Downtime

Post Sat Nov 14, 2009 11:55 am

Finally new..... Aggregate Daily Page.... Bravi.....V

Posts: 797
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio

Re: 24-Sep Downtime

Post Sat Nov 14, 2009 12:35 pm

larsjohnsson wrote:
robertwhite wrote:Thank you Pbase Team the new Stats page looks pretty cool nice work

But the new stats page shows a lot of clicks, even on all those days that Pbase was down. How can I have thousens of clicks when nobody could use Pbase because it was down :D :D :shock:

Search engine bots, that is about the time of the month they do a deep crawl.

Posts: 53

Re: 24-Sep Downtime

Post Sat Nov 14, 2009 5:39 pm

fishit wrote:
larsjohnsson wrote:
robertwhite wrote:Thank you Pbase Team the new Stats page looks pretty cool nice work

But the new stats page shows a lot of clicks, even on all those days that Pbase was down. How can I have thousens of clicks when nobody could use Pbase because it was down :D :D :shock:

Search engine bots, that is about the time of the month they do a deep crawl.

That's not the answer. Because then I would have high hit numbers every month at those dates. And it's only in September

Posts: 955

Re: 24-Sep Downtime

Post Sat Nov 14, 2009 7:01 pm

larsjohnsson wrote:
fishit wrote:
larsjohnsson wrote:But the new stats page shows a lot of clicks, even on all those days that Pbase was down. How can I have thousens of clicks when nobody could use Pbase because it was down :D :D :shock:

Search engine bots, that is about the time of the month they do a deep crawl.

That's not the answer. Because then I would have high hit numbers every month at those dates. And it's only in September

You're determined not to believe it, aren't you? In September, they were trying to load the page and *failing*.

So they tried to reload it. And failed. And you therefore got a second hit.

And they tried to reload it again, and failed.

And you got a third hit.

And so on.

In a normal month, they'd have loaded it ONCE, succeeded, indexed it and gone on their way. They wouldn't have made multiple attempts to load a page that just wouldn't load, each of which would generate a hit.

I can't guarantee that it's the right answer since there's no information of where the hits came from with these stats, but it certainly seems plausible.

Posts: 4

Re: 24-Sep Downtime

Post Sat Nov 14, 2009 11:45 pm

I'm showing lots of hits too back on Sept 24.

Indeed, Google Analytics show 100% hits from bots during this time. Mostly Google bots.

Posts: 24

Re: 24-Sep Downtime

Post Sun Nov 15, 2009 2:52 am

.That's right. It's bots banging a door that won't open!

Posts: 42

Re: 24-Sep Downtime

Post Sun Nov 15, 2009 8:06 am

Ok guys,
I think it is too early to celebrate.
Yesterday's statistics are enabled,but many were wrong or strange.
Since then,the stat are frozen a second time (stat page was no refreshed again after 24 hours).
Will be better to wait and see what happens....

Posts: 53

Re: 24-Sep Downtime

Post Sun Nov 15, 2009 11:30 am

bracciodiferro wrote:Ok guys,
I think it is too early to celebrate.
Yesterday's statistics are enabled,but many were wrong or strange.
Since then,the stat are frozen a second time (stat page was no refreshed again after 24 hours).
Will be better to wait and see what happens....

Yes the stats are frozen. And they don't get updated. And the hitcount numbers for the image and gallery pages still don't work. Neither does the total hitcounts

Posts: 31

Re: 24-Sep Downtime

Post Sun Nov 15, 2009 4:14 pm

I am wondering if people who are gong to this thread "24-Sep Downtime" are aware of information being shared by Pbase in "Pbase Statistics page returns" as most if not all the questions asked in this thread are being answered in that one. Might be worth checking out as I have noticed that Pbase staff are checking in to that thread to answer questions and comments.

Posts: 22

Re: 24-Sep Downtime

Post Mon Nov 23, 2009 1:23 pm

So, two months have passed and what have we got? :shock: A site that is so slow at times that it is practically unusable. Stats that still don't work. Come on guys let us have a REGULAR update and programme to let us know when we should expect things to get back to normal.

Posts: 816

Re: 24-Sep Downtime

Post Tue Nov 24, 2009 6:00 am

It looks like communications are improving a tiny bit. We've gotten an update in less than 4 weeks from the previous one. While I would like the statistics to be totally fixed at least they're somewhat working. As to speed PBase is really slow to upload compared to flickr but it seems faster for entering comments.


Board index PBase News 24-Sep Downtime

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