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New Forum

Posts: 1003

Re: New Forum

Post Thu Mar 20, 2008 11:18 pm

Very nice. Congrats to the PBase dev. team.

Posts: 394

Re: New Forum

Post Fri Mar 21, 2008 3:31 am

Nice! Looks good so far. Thanks for the work.

Posts: 2401
Location: Zoetermeer

Re: New Forum

Post Fri Mar 21, 2008 8:04 am

Hi guys,
It takes a little time to get used to it , but the new lay-out looks really nice. Thanks.
However, there is something i do not like:
When you click on a link in (for instance) a PaD thread, the picture in question used to pop-up in a new window. And now, in this configuration, you go forward to the picture in question (hope you understand; sorry for my English). That means when you want to go back to the paD thread, you have to go backward. And when you gave a comment you have to go back a few steps. Takes a more time.

Posts: 2445
Location: Vienna, Austria

Re: New Forum

Post Fri Mar 21, 2008 10:13 am

emmelafoto wrote:When you click on a link in (for instance) a PaD thread, the picture in question used to pop-up in a new window. And now, in this configuration, you go forward to the picture in question

true, would be great it works the old way

Posts: 372

Re: New Forum

Post Fri Mar 21, 2008 2:55 pm

What was wrong with the old look?? Was it NOT working???
If it ain't broke don't fix it !

And the font is to small.

I apparently posted the above message in the wrong thread so I will repost here.
(I never had that problem in the old style.)

Well I (for one perhaps, but never-the-less) don't really care for the change.

I see we have lost the message "edit" capability.
I miss the navigation link that used to be on the top.
I'll say it again - the fonts too small.
You can't see the forest when you sneeze.

Posts: 352

Re: New Forum

Post Fri Mar 21, 2008 3:32 pm

Great job Nooutlet !!!!
The new forums are wonderful.
Your hard work has paid off.

Posts: 2445
Location: Vienna, Austria

Re: New Forum

Post Fri Mar 21, 2008 4:12 pm

10kzoomfz wrote:I see we have lost the message "edit" capability.

still works in all other sections, but not in NEWS - don´t ask me why

Posts: 372

Re: New Forum

Post Fri Mar 21, 2008 4:26 pm

erichmangl wrote:
10kzoomfz wrote:I see we have lost the message "edit" capability.

still works in all other sections, but not in NEWS - don´t ask me why

Actually I don't believe it was available (under News) in the old format either.
My comment on it missing was because I thought my post in the wrong thread was not in the News section; but I quess it was also.
err - my error.

I still think the font is too small !
You can't see the forest when you sneeze.

Posts: 802

Re: New Forum

Post Fri Mar 21, 2008 5:47 pm

I generally like it, but I guess many people would have a problem with the font and it's size. Is this possible to change font to something less fancy and increase the size of the default "normal" font. I understand that there is an option for the font size while composing a message, but not many will use it.
Second thing. This was disturbing me for a long time. The default page width is way too long, so the message typed without explicit line brakes is too wide for normal viewing. I would limit default message width to something like 132 characters of the current normal font.


Posts: 955

Re: New Forum

Post Fri Mar 21, 2008 9:09 pm

10kzoomfz wrote:What was wrong with the old look?? Was it NOT working???
If it ain't broke don't fix it !

And the font is to small.

I think that one of the reasons for the change is that any software (or version of software) has a limited shelf life. At some point you really have no choice but to upgrade to be able to implement new features and/or keep the site secure. In that regard, kudos to NoOutlet for his efforts.

The thought about the size of the type also occurred to me; I don't have a problem with it myself, but I can see that some viewers with older eyesight might. It would certainly help to be bumped up by a point or two if that's possible, though users still have the option of doing that within their own browsers. ([Ctrl]+[+] in Firefox; hmm, actually just one bump makes it way more readable.)

The other thing I've noticed is that the count of views doesn't seem to be incrementing properly. I noticed the thread "Camera Database Comments: Only paid subscribers please" over in Feature Requests showed only 1 view. I know that I looked at it yesterday, and find it hard to believe that I'm the only one. I took another look at it (through IE6, where I'm not logged in), went back to the forum page, refreshed it... nope, still showing only 1 view.

(Since typing that it's gone to 2, but I've been into that post 3 or 4 times (both logged on and not) in the course of testing this.)

Obviously it's not a critical piece of functionality, but it's a useful barometer of how much interest there is in a thread.

Posts: 230

Re: New Forum

Post Fri Mar 21, 2008 9:26 pm



Thanks NoOutlet :-)

See what I've seen...

Posts: 218

Re: New Forum

Post Fri Mar 21, 2008 11:17 pm

I think it looks great, well done to everyone involved - can't wait till the 'foes' list works; it'll mean I read the forums a LOT more! :twisted:

Posts: 990

Re: New Forum

Post Sat Mar 22, 2008 6:22 pm

ooooooh, finaly a new look
It's so cool and easier to work now.

Posts: 955

Bookmarks... am I missing something, or...?

Post Sat Mar 22, 2008 11:23 pm

I'm not sure whether I'm missing something here, or whether this is just a feature that wasn't implemented.

In the Forum FAQ it states that:
What is the difference between bookmarking and subscribing?
Bookmarking in phpBB3 is much like bookmarking in your web browser. You aren’t alerted when there’s an update, but you can come back to the topic later. Subscribing, however, will notify you when there is an update to the topic or forum on the board via your preferred method or methods.

I bookmarked a particular thread which is of interest to me... but I don't see anywhere on the Forum where there's a list of your bookmarks. Indeed the only way that I can see that this topic WAS bookmarked is by being in the thread, where there's an option at the top right to "Remove from bookmarks".

Am I missing something, or are bookmarks effectively non-functional?

(Not that it's a big deal; it'd be a useful feature, but not a critical one. Just curious is all...)

Posts: 955

Re: Bookmarks... am I missing something, or...?

Post Sat Mar 22, 2008 11:26 pm

akmc_in_au wrote:I'm not sure whether I'm missing something here, or whether this is just a feature that wasn't implemented.

Ooops, never mind... your bookmarks can be found in the User Control Panel, Overview Tab -> Manage Bookmarks. (Might be useful to have this added to the FAQ topic if possible.)


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