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PBase Updates

Posts: 31

Here's an idea...

Post Wed Jul 09, 2008 8:24 pm

Do away with all the bells and whistles, the magazine, and other side stuff, and concentrate on getting the actual database to run smoothly, quickly and consistently. Bring back ctstone if necessary. Seems like things started to go wrong around the time he left. I've endured the periodic slownesses of the past, which were tolerable and short, but this recent string is getting tiresome.

Posts: 2701

Re: PBase Updates

Post Fri Jul 11, 2008 12:17 am

That's all I want too. Just to display the pics as they are now and to not take 10-20 seconds per picture.

Also, I uploaded a whole gallery about a week ago, a private one, and all the exif is blank on it, but are
on my pics.

I just want a decently-functioning place for the photos, with the features it already has now...

Posts: 144

Re: PBase Updates

Post Mon Jul 14, 2008 1:29 pm

With the lack in Administrative response to a lot of the issues going on around here really makes one wonder what is actually going on with PBase.

Posts: 6

Re: PBase Updates

Post Mon Jul 14, 2008 11:05 pm

ckoi7lumiere, is it just me or is it PBase.... All i see in my contact list, and my own newly downloades images are ONLY one blank rectangle with the little red x.

Where is the problem PBase or my computer?

No I have the same here... today I wasnt able to load some pages once or twice... and on top of that I cant even upload any photos any more!
Is there coming an end to this all?

Posts: 246

Re: PBase Updates

Post Tue Jul 15, 2008 12:52 pm

The slowness of late is RIDICULOUS. Fans of myphotography are telling me they won't visit PBase until I let them know that the slowness has been addressed.

Come on PBase, get your code and servers worked out and lose all the stupid features that 99% of us don't even use.

I agree with the post above. Lose the bells and whistles! All we need is the features PBase has over a couple of years ago, which is; posting photos, recent photos, popular photos and the other basic photo sharing features.

All this other nonsense is just slowing the site down.

HINT from an SQL database and PHP expert: The more you tax your database with queries, the slower this place is going to be. Don't let feature creep kill PBase!

PBase Admin
PBase Admin
Posts: 249

Re: PBase Updates

Post Wed Jul 23, 2008 8:25 pm

Sorry about the downtime there. I'm not sure what happened as we are not in the office today, but it appears that the whole farm went down and was brought back up. I had to startup the webserver and database software when I was finally able to connect to the forum server.


Posts: 589

Re: PBase Updates

Post Wed Jul 23, 2008 8:40 pm

Thank you for the very appreciated information.
"Arguments are to be avoided; they are always vulgar and often convincing."
~Oscar Wilde~

Posts: 2445
Location: Vienna, Austria

Re: PBase Updates

Post Wed Jul 23, 2008 8:50 pm

any chance that someone updates the mainpage ? it still say 78th contest, but that was long time ago ..

Posts: 3780

Re: PBase Updates

Post Wed Jul 23, 2008 9:14 pm

Thanks for the reply. Sorry for posting a separate thread in Q&A, but I missed your response.

Posts: 1221
Location: San Diego

Re: PBase Updates

Post Sun Aug 31, 2008 4:58 am

Pbase is all messed up tonight and this has been going on through the week.

Pages aren't loading properly and all galleries are a mish-mosh of code and missing images.

Anybody minding the store?

Don't be afraid to be different than the pack.

Posts: 31

Re: PBase Updates

Post Mon Sep 01, 2008 3:19 am

Pbase was completely absent from Friday August 29 until late this afternoon August 31st?!? Anyone know what's going on. It's had the hiccups once in a while before but this is the longest that it has been absent. There should be some kind of automatic notice that lets users know what's going on...or there should be some kind of technical explanation from someone to say what's going on!?!

Posts: 1390

How can the problems be so localized?

Post Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:52 am

I wonder if the difficulties were experienced mostly outside the US. I have had periods of being unable to access Pbase forums over the August 29-31 period mentioned above. However, the rest of the site has been working pretty well. I uploaded a couple shots earlier today that went pretty quickly.

I hope one day we do find out how the slowness or lack of availability could be so localized.

PBase Admin
PBase Admin
Posts: 249

Re: PBase Updates

Post Mon Sep 01, 2008 5:04 am

I actually tried to post what was going on earlier today, but I couldn't log in either. The forums should have been fine yesterday, so I wonder if you maybe saw there were problems on the 29th and today and figured they were constant throughout.
Anyway, I'm not sure what the issue was on the 29th, but on the 31st the problem was that it couldn't get the login information from the main PBase account.


Posts: 2276

Re: PBase Updates

Post Mon Sep 01, 2008 5:04 am

FWIW, I didn't experience problems with the galleries over the weekend from Singapore, but the forums were non-operative until a few hours ago. I know there were a few folks that posted on DPR with gallery access issues, and a few that reported no problems. One user in New Jersey solved his problem via his ISP, another was told to reboot his router, which worked. A couple of others had still unresolved problems. The gallery access problems still seem to be random & geographic.

Posts: 1390

Re: PBase Updates

Post Mon Sep 01, 2008 8:11 am

nooutlet wrote:I actually tried to post what was going on earlier today, but I couldn't log in either. The forums should have been fine yesterday, so I wonder if you maybe saw there were problems on the 29th and today and figured they were constant throughout.
Anyway, I'm not sure what the issue was on the 29th, but on the 31st the problem was that it couldn't get the login information from the main PBase account.


I couldn't swear to it that I had problems on the 30th, and it's possible that I generalized from the day before and after...but that is the way I recall it. Yesterday, the 31st, there was a strange phenomenon in the forums that I have noticed a few times before. One moment there seem to be posts running right up to the time I log onto the forum...then I go to see a poster's own site. When I come back, the most immediate posts are gone and they seem to have stopped several hours earlier. It's as if the forum had a hiccup followed by two hours of amnesia. Maybe I just pulled a page out of my cache from an earlier visit? Doesn't happen very often though.

Thanks for the update.


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