Thu Oct 23, 2008 8:20 pm
I really love pbase - I really do. I have a flicker and picassa and all those and they simply don't compare. I think a lot of folks follow the crowd and that's why some sites grow so quickly. I like the flexibility of pbase and especially! the comments. For me, that's the main thing that keeps me here. That and the simplicity of navigation. For instance, I know of no way to view full size photos on flicker and go next or previous. It's built in to pbase and I like that functionality.
The speed has to be addressed somehow. If it were free, naturally I wouldn't complain. As it is, it's not terribly expensive. I would happily pay 50% more if I could get better performance. Pbase is a terrific place to host my shots, but trying to upload/update/edit large numbers of shots or do any real searching is just impossible. It really bugs me when I'm in a gallery, going from shot to shot and editing captions and names only to have a "return to gallery" screen come up with my changes lost.
I've never complained before, because really, except for one time when the whole shebang was down, there's little to complain about. Seriously, if you look at the competition, it becomes even harder to complain. I just opened an account at zenfolio, partly because I wanted to try it out and partly because I want to include their software in a site I'm building. The lack of 'community' there, however, will keep my main base of shots here. I'd just really like to see some performance increase.
I've no idea of what the company structure is like, how it's run, who hosts it and so on, so I'm not offering any suggestions. But like I said, I'd gladly pay more for better performance.
Thanks for listening (reading)!