Board index PBase News New Team at PBase


New Team at PBase

PBase Admin
PBase Admin
Posts: 249

New Team at PBase

Post Tue Aug 21, 2007 1:25 pm

Greetings Pbasers!

I'm happy to inform you all that ckirby, nkirby and myself are three all new programmers here at

We are here to replace ctstone who will be leaving here at the end of the month. With the extra manpower, we hope to solve many of the issues that have gone unfixed until now.
This may still take some time as we get adjusted to the inner-workings of the system.

This should be an exciting time for and its supporters, just as it's an exciting time for all three of us to be working on a site with such a committed userbase.

Pbase Dev Team

Posts: 2321
Location: Amsterdam

Post Tue Aug 21, 2007 3:23 pm

All the best! Maybe this will help you have an idea what we users are asking for:

Site Admin
Site Admin
Posts: 745

Post Wed Aug 22, 2007 2:01 pm

Hi All,

Nooutlet beat me to the introduction. Nooutlet, ckirby, and nkirby are new programmers here at PBase. We are very excited to have them as part of the team. With the added manpower, we will be able to more easily bring you improvements and new features. To familiarize themselves with PBase and improvements/changes that you are asking for, they are hanging out in the forums a bit right now. We will soon be putting them to work on making improvements to PBase and adding new features.

Welcome, guys!

Posts: 43

Post Wed Aug 22, 2007 6:15 pm

Welcome here and have fun ;)
My pictures are licensed under a Creative Commons License: ;)

Posts: 2701

Post Wed Aug 22, 2007 7:49 pm

emily wrote:Hi All,

Nooutlet beat me to the introduction. Nooutlet, ckirby, and nkirby are new programmers here at PBase. We are very excited to have them as part of the team. With the added manpower, we will be able to more easily bring you improvements and new features. To familiarize themselves with PBase and improvements/changes that you are asking for, they are hanging out in the forums a bit right now. We will soon be putting them to work on making improvements to PBase and adding new features.

Welcome, guys!

Thanks for finally introducing them, Emily after a couple of days
of their posting here.

Looking forward to what they can do.

Kudos to Chris Stone for his work on both the slide show and apparently the statcounting changes (though it may have been slug himself who did
the latter) and good luck to him on whatever's next.

Posts: 3


Post Sun Aug 26, 2007 3:20 pm

I'm having problems with my galleries,
is this related with this changes?


Posts: 3

Re: problems

Post Sun Aug 26, 2007 4:06 pm

era2000 wrote:I'm having problems with my galleries,
is this related with this changes?

No problems now thanx

Posts: 613
Location: Palatine, IL


Post Mon Aug 27, 2007 3:48 pm

A big welcome to you all. We are sad to cstone go, but we wish him all the best in his new role and career.
Looking forward to the exticing times.
Karthik Raja Photography -
Incredible India at

Posts: 1493

Post Tue Aug 28, 2007 3:55 am

Matias, Chile -
Resources, HOWTOs, Samples and more! -

Posts: 3780

Post Tue Aug 28, 2007 4:50 am

Tanks to Chris and all others who've been on the team, and welcome to the new people. Best wishes to Chris, and looking forward to seeing what the new people come up with. Welcome.

Posts: 14

Post Tue Aug 28, 2007 11:30 pm

There are two pages of complaints from pbase clients about the slowness of the system lately ... it takes forever to upload a photo or to even look at a photo or gallery. The System Administration has been silent on this problem and I think all of us would appreciate some insight into what the problem might be ... and when it might be rectified. :(

Posts: 39

Post Wed Aug 29, 2007 4:59 am

I second that sloness problem bigtime.

And now the STATS hasn't worked for about 4 days.

But we all think the SEARCH function is the worst of all, there are no capabilities to find the plurals of the search terms - it also doesn't find a lot of pictures on terms where it should... just a very old/poor search tool for this great site of yours.

Thanks for reading, and we know you guys will do your best.

Posts: 2276

Post Wed Aug 29, 2007 8:37 am

Greetings and welcome to Nooutlet, ckirby and nkirby. I'm pleased you joined the PBase team and look forward to your contributions. I have no doubt that you will be rather busy, and this is a good thing.

I would also like to thank Chris Stone for the great job he did for PBase. I wish you the best of success and satisfaction in your future endeavors.

Posts: 3

Anyone else getting a lot of spam?

Post Sat Sep 01, 2007 2:34 am

I seem to be getting tons of spam comments lately. Is there any way to prevent this shy of just continually checking and deleting?

Deeply appreciate any thoughts!


This is the sort of thing:

ro179ck gallery - A Fisher Cat hide | delete 01-Sep-2007 02:21:29

ro6ck gallery - A Fisher Cat hide | delete 01-Sep-2007 01:17:22

ro63ck gallery - A Fisher Cat hide | delete 01-Sep-2007 00:10:04

ro722ck gallery - A Fisher Cat hide | delete 31-Aug-2007 23:04:35

ro628ck gallery - A Fisher Cat hide | delete 31-Aug-2007 21:59:46

ro17ck gallery - A Fisher Cat hide | delete 31-Aug-2007 20:56:17

ro901ck gallery - A Fisher Cat hide | delete 31-Aug-2007 19:52:23

Posts: 28

Post Mon Sep 17, 2007 12:08 pm

You all are the BEST at Pbase!
I have just recommended pbase again to all my new classmates to post their digital art classwork. We all had a problem with Yahoo photo albums, they didnt contact many of us when they took our albums down, some got transferred to a new database, but some didnt. And Club Photo went under also, they did transfer to a new company, but many of our photos went missing.
So again and again, Pbase wins! You all are the best.
Thank you,


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