Board index PBase News new feature: slideshow function *UPDATED 7/16*


new feature: slideshow function *UPDATED 7/16*

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new feature: slideshow function *UPDATED 7/16*

Post Fri Jul 13, 2007 7:02 pm

Here it is, the new SLIDESHOW() function in its initial version.

See for an example of it in action.

To put a slideshow on a gallery, simply type SLIDESHOW(machines) into your gallery description while editing a gallery. Replace "machines" with the name of one of your galleries that contains photos.
Be sure to type SLIDESHOW() in ALL CAPS and remember to use the open and close parentheses () around your gallery name.

At first, the SLIDESHOW function has just the one parameter, a gallery name, and will display medium size images.
We have plans for further choices but wanted to release this as soon as we could so you could see what's on the way and get started using it.
Personally I think medium is a good size to use anyway.

Options we have in the works are to allow you to specify a larger image size. I know many of you are used to seeing 550pixel images.
Also we will add the capability of specifying a list of image_ids to the SLIDESHOW function instead of a gallery name. This would allow you to handpick certain images that don't necessarily live in the same gallery.

We've tested this in a large collection of web browsers, but we like to hear about it if you notice any problems.
One possible problem you might see is where the photo overlaps other objects or text on your page. We believe this is caused by the custom stylesheets that do strange things to padding and margins around elements. You shouldn't see overlap problems if you're using a simpler stylesheet.

Once again, we're working on the option to let you specify photo sizes other than medium.


Posts: 435
Location: Denmark, Copenhagen

Post Fri Jul 13, 2007 7:19 pm

Wauv, brilliant work Slug !!! Just did a quick test run of this in my inbox (where I test all my code) and it works great. Even in a html header it works perfectly! Your code creates its own table I see, I will test it some more to see how it can be used etc. It has a max limit of images doesn't it? Thought I saw the code begin from image 1 before it got through the gallery.

It seems now that blocking javascript was the best thing to happen to Pbase for ages :lol: All of a sudden we have statcounter support, extremetracking support, built in Luis' slideshow code - what a plethora of new features, thanks!

A simple work-around to hand picking images now is create a gallery for ones slideshow pictures and upload 400pixels wide versions in this gallery.

Thanks again!

Flemming Bo Jensen Photography
My photography blog:

Posts: 29

Post Fri Jul 13, 2007 7:19 pm

Great going!

Many a thanks!

Manas Khan
... in admiration of artless beauty

Posts: 131

Post Fri Jul 13, 2007 7:19 pm

Kudos on the fix! I just placed it in my gallery and it works pretty well. My only complaint would be the forced medium format since I am used to the 500px format. But you said you are working on it so I will wait for the tweak. Personally I like the idea of identifying the gallery over the individual images.

I will say that in the end, all of this has improved pbase. I love the fix for statscounter and I am betting that the slideshow will also end up being improved.

Posts: 1003

Post Fri Jul 13, 2007 7:20 pm

Shucks, you only parsing the first SLIDESHOW directive ;-)
Nice - thanks.

FYI for those who see a blank screen and no slide show - you are most likely using some kind of 'header hiding' routine - you will need to edit that code to ensure that any images inside the #inline_slideshow are displayed. This does not affect all header hiding mechanisms - just some.

I don't check forums very often these days, so if you need to get a response from me, please send me an email (see my profile) and NOT a PM.

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Posts: 598

Post Fri Jul 13, 2007 7:25 pm

Thanks to Chris Stone who's been the one implementing this slide show, and all the testing of various browsers that makes the jobs 10x harder.


PBase Admin
PBase Admin
Posts: 166

Post Fri Jul 13, 2007 7:41 pm

A few notes of interest:

- we limit 1 slideshow per gallery page
- only the first 30 images of a slideshow will load
- images that do not have a medium size will be skipped for now
- the bounding box of the slideshow will auto adjust to fit your tallest and widest image. for best results, use either all landscape images or all portrait images.
- i tested firefox, opera, safari, and ie5-7, but if you find a bug please let us know.
- as slug mentioned, this is a work in progress. so if you think of a feature that someone has not already mentioned, feel free to suggest it here.

Features we plan to support:
- customized delay time
- specify list of image ids or a gallery name
- specify image size (including original, but we will probably cap original sizes to prevent pages from loading giant slideshows)
Pbase Team

Posts: 435
Location: Denmark, Copenhagen

Post Fri Jul 13, 2007 7:56 pm

Hi Chris,

Brilliant work!

So if I create a gallery for the slideshow where every single pictures is say 400x200 pixels the bounding box will be this size as well?

If so that really helps with the layout, right now the bounding box ix 400x405 pixels leaving heaps of white space since most of my shots are landscape.
Flemming Bo Jensen Photography
My photography blog:

Posts: 131

Post Fri Jul 13, 2007 8:01 pm

So I have been playing with this. I liked having a border on the slideshow so I tried to do it through photoshop. But the image ended up getting the top quarter inch cut off so that the border didn't work. In otherwords, there was border on the sides and bottom but not top.

So then I tried placing a table into the code to create the border. Same thing happend there.

I am not dying to have this now but I am just wondering if I am messing up.

Currently my images are 500px by 388px.

Posts: 1003

Post Fri Jul 13, 2007 8:21 pm

Chris, a feature request:

Can you considering adding a parameter that toggles caption display ? This nice thing about the SLIDESHOW option is that it automatically starts the show as opposed to the user having to click on the other pbase slideshow.

Furthermore, I can also display a medium sized slideshow for a private/password protected gallery as a SLIDESHOW in a public gallery. I don't know if this was intentional, but I like it, since it gives me, the owner, the choice to show a small slideshow of a private gallery even though I may not allow the user to enter my private gallery to view the larger sized images.

I don't check forums very often these days, so if you need to get a response from me, please send me an email (see my profile) and NOT a PM.

PBase Admin
PBase Admin
Posts: 166

Post Fri Jul 13, 2007 8:29 pm


I had actually planned on adding another separate function that you could put anywhere in your description that would be a placeholder for the current title or caption. The text would update whenever the image updates.
Pbase Team

Posts: 1003

Post Fri Jul 13, 2007 8:36 pm

Chris, even better.
I don't check forums very often these days, so if you need to get a response from me, please send me an email (see my profile) and NOT a PM.

Posts: 170

Post Fri Jul 13, 2007 8:38 pm

I just installed this on one subgallery, and while I'm *wowed* by the ease of its function and your brilliance in creating it, I have some mixed feelings.

Those of us who use the 'link to subgalleries' function have a large block of link text at the top of the page, just above the subgallery title. (I have mixed feelings about that feature too, as it's ugly on the page, but helpful to viewers and gets used alot, according to my Statcounter data.) So then comes the slideshow. It pushes the thumbnails pretty far down the page; and I wonder if seeing the images in the slideshow would make viewers less likely to go on to look at the actual images. Does this make sense to anyone else?

Here's a link to the one trial subgallery I've done to illustrate what I mean:

What I'd REALLY like is to be able to have the slideshow function on my 'All Galleries' page, above my intro text, drawing random photos from all my galleries and subgalleries. Not being a code whiz, I have no idea how realistic this is. Is it ridiculously complex to do that?

Posts: 1248

I'm not wild about it

Post Fri Jul 13, 2007 9:10 pm

I want the ability to pick and choose my photos; I want the slideshow to run on my root page; and I want to have a table so I can center it and include text and links, etc.

In other words, I want what you took away from me.

Posts: 301

Post Fri Jul 13, 2007 9:22 pm


I just tried, it didn't work out. :(

Here is the gallery in question:

In the gallery description, I inserted this line:

Do I miss out anything? I probably didn't understand Slug's original post properly.



Board index PBase News new feature: slideshow function *UPDATED 7/16*

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