Apologies, but due to cross-site scripting vulnerabilities, we have been forced to disable javascript entirely.
We very much regret limiting your ability to use javascript to enhance your site, but cross-site-scripting would easily allow an attacker to steal cookies and gain access to many PBase accounts.
You can read more about this type of attack at http://www.cgisecurity.com/articles/xss-faq.shtml
We will be looking for a solution so that you can continue to use your stat counters and other javascript features.
We've been avoiding this action because we would like for you to have the flexibility that javascript can offer.
Unfortunately, this kind of attack is so easy to implement, and the possible damage so great, it would be negligent for us to ignore it.
One of the most common uses of javascript is by people who enable various statistics services on their pages.
We hope we can come up with a method to at least allow the necessary javascript for some of the more popular stat counter services.
For the time being, on galleries with javascript has been removed, you will see a explanation message if it is your own gallery so that you will be alerted to the change.
Again, we're truly sorry for the sudden change and the affect it might have on your site, but we really have no choice.
Thanks to Erik Persson for pointing out to me how much of a risk this is.
-Chuck Neel