Apologies for not knowing we can't edit our posts in this topic.
So I have a weird string of them.
ctstone wrote:...Also, a word on the scaling/resizing that goes on in the slideshow. The slideshow uses the largest possible image size on the server, except for your original upload. At this time we are not using the original upload b/c in most cases, this size is entirely too big. We do realize that some users optimize and resize their images before uploading, and that the qualitiy of these images is usually superior. Someday we hope to have an option to accomodate these optimized originals, but for now we are going to be using the large size.
I use only 800x600 and below and yet they're all about
500xwhatever right now. And the verticals all have this HUGE
"Playing" blocking out the top part of the pic even (!), which has blocked
the eyes of faces in mine. Surely you don't need to invade the
image space with "Playing" in huge fonts and taking part of the
image space in reduced photos?
Am currently on 800x600 display, due to a failing video memory block,
so it's using a smaller size than that. I guess you wanted space around it
and resized it from what you say below. That makes sense to me
but I wish the degradation (jaggies galore) weren't so bad.
True that many are still on 800x600. I see that all over work still.
As for accomodating browser window size, the slideshow script takes into account both the width and height of the window it is running in. The image is then resized accordingly to prevent the viewer from having to scroll around to see the full image (resize your window while the show is running to see it in action). This process can affect image quality because the resizing is handled by the browser, and most browsers do not have very efficient resizing methods. However, I think this is an acceptable compromise, and I have yet to see any drastic qualtiy concerns.
I first looked tonight, since I don't usually like slideshows but I
realize others do. My main concern is if you have to resize down
even 800x600's carefully resized for best resolution, I wish the
quality wasn't so degraded.
I came here to ask that we be able to opt out of the slideshow as
one of our options. Except for jaggies, it's a nice implementation.
So, I hoped we could opt out if we don't want the jaggies showing up.
But if people with 1024x768 and above don't have to get the
resizing then I'm not as unhappy as I was before I read your note.
Am using IE and will try Firefox, but most people are still
using IE.