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note about power failure last night

PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 3:26 pm
by slug
Apologies for the problems last night.
There was a power failure at our hosting facility last night that took out all four of our server cabinets. This caused some downtime and some side effects that lasted into the day.
We'll be working with the ISP to find a way to ensure this doesn't happen again.

I'm not sure exactly what happened, but it seems they were doing installations for another customer and blew out a power distribution panel.
Unfortunately all eight of our 20 amp circuits were on that panel.
It took an hour or two for them to repair the problem.

Most everything was working soon after, but there were some lingering problems with stylesheets and the forums which should all be good now.

Again, sorry for the trouble. I'll try to recommunicate to the guys at the ISP that what seems like a small power outage to them affects tens of thousands of people trying to use PBase.



PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 5:55 pm
by ejohnw
There still appears to be some difficulties. Style sheets on the main pages are not working and the pages load slow as ....

Thanks for the note and keeping us advised of the problems.


PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 6:10 pm
by camera0bug
And I thought someone had spiked my drink Slug!

You've gotta make sure those mice on the treadmills
have enough food to keep them going!


PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 7:19 pm
by beekeeper
Hey, Slug

When I click on my comments section, some Italian website comes up.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 9:11 pm
by tonyk
The site is still very unresponsive Sunday evening. Thumbnails are having issues generating and the site is very slow to respond.

What is the hosting site doing to remedy the situation?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 9:30 pm
by jimsthiel
I too am still having trouble loading pictures. The files are way slow to generate. It is Sunday evening. I am also noticing that in other forums that use Pbase I can not open most of the images. I hope this will be fixed soon.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 10:22 pm
by jcboyd
Remember the old saying. If it's not broke don't fix it. The problem is that the system is broke (still). Everything seem extremely slow and non-responsive.

Also, the popular photo section has been broke for quite some time now. When will this problem be addressed?

Site malfunction

PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 12:14 am
by mgodk
The site is still very unresponsive!!!!!!
Slow, slow, slow since sunday and this is going on today!

Really slow

PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 1:48 am
by sjusczyk
It's taking more than a minute, sometimes two, just to load a page.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 2:36 am
by abwhitt
This is the first time I've been able to get into the forum to see what has been happening, it's been timing out every time.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 4:08 am
by dang
I'm still a "Newbie" amoung so many wonderful artists here, and not much of a photographer myself. But I've used other sites, and never have I had someone increase my storage space (not once, but twice) without charging more.
I'm very sorry for everyone having to deal with problems, but I feel you do a fantastic job in trying to insure the best quality possible. Accidents Do Happen, that's life. What I see is you're dealing with problems as quickly as possible, and trying to insure the same errors won't occur in the future.
I've personally called on you and Emily twice with problems I needed to resolve, and you've taken care of them within a short period of time. While this will be an inconvience for a short period, the storage, upgrades and normal wonderful hosting go on.
A Sincere Thanks to You and Emily for all you do,

keep up the good work, Slug and Emily

PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 5:41 am
by photoarrow
Dear Slug and Emily, Well, "dang" couldn't have have expressed it better. Despite all of the whining and complaining I see out here, I too think you are doing a GREAT job. I sure would (wouldn't) like to see the "complainers" attempt to do what you do... Everybody seems to expect 101% server reliability--something that is humanly and electronically impossible! Every complainer seems to present themselves as some sort of "server expert", and am glad you have thick skin... Pbase is GREAT! I love it! Keep up the good work!

PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 6:09 am
by tonyk

Please re-read my post. I am not complaining to or about what they are doing. I am wondering what the hosting site, which wrought this outage, is doing to fix it.

Yes, this is a great service with remarkable uptime/performance. The issue was not caused by these wonderful folks. It was caused by their provider and their provider should be fixing the issue.

Thank you kindly,

PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 7:27 am
by fatyellowlab
Photoarrow, You said it perfectly!
I have had Pbase galleries for years, and they are better than all the others. I love them! Slug and Emily are the best, Pbase is the winner!
So what if there is a tiny problem now and then, everything and everybody has a bit of down time occasionally.
Jane :D

My apologies to Tonyk and the others...

PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 7:37 am
by photoarrow
Reply to Tonyk from Photoarrow:
Oh darn it, there I go again... Forgive me, because I wasn't trying to bash everyone who had replied to this particular thread, because everyone was behaving themselves and just reporting their particular situation--and no harm in that, but jeeeezzzz, I have seen so much "Slug and Emily bashing" going on out here in the past in the other Forum departments, that I thought I should interject a bit of a compliment.
And Tonyk, I enjoyed looking through your galleries--especially your cat gallery at:
and I know this isn't "show and tell" but if you're interested, my cat has her own pbase account, with galleries at: