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Time for a new outlook on home printing

PostPosted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 6:19 pm
by mauisvolcano
I have owned many photo printers from HP, CANON and most recently Epson. I have always liked the fact I could print from home. But with the price of professional prints down to 18 to 29 cents, why spend the big bucks on ink and paper when I could get better quality at half the price. I was about to spend about 70$ on ink refills the other day when a Canon rep estimated I was getting 200 4x6 prints for 70$ plus the paper cost. So rather than buying the ink I visited CVS with a coupon and they produced 200 prints for 40$. The quality was amazing. If anyone would like a great deal on a Epson 785epx and Epson 1280, please write.