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Re: request to paint by Low Tho Seng ?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 5:59 pm
by reflectionsbyruth
As for the bronze plaque request, I just gave the price of what I charge for web usage which is also the price that some magazines pay me for one time use. The person agreed to send me a check and if any of her family or friends see the plaque and ask to get one, she will have them send me a check as well :D

So goes to show it pays to at least give a price to a perspective client and not give all your work for free.

Re: request to paint by Low Tho Seng ?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 4:27 pm
by nmrai
He's also working on PicLens for galleries, and will be addressing problems with exif when possible.

Hope so. Love PicLens. Gives surfing a whole new meaning and I can just do it visually. My fave browser app. Hope it gets up soon.


Re: request to paint by Low Tho Seng ?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 4:35 pm
by kutedymples
Interesting post indeed. I found this site looking for reference pictures to paint and draw. I am an artist in progress. I draw at and it is a learning experience for me. I am disabled so unable to get out and take my own photographs of nature the way I would like to. I completely understand the views of some photographers when it comes to their wonderful photographs that they indeed took the time to go out and shoot. I would never sell or make any sort of profit from someone elses photo. As far as imagination, I have no memory to remember beautiful details of things I would like to draw or paint so I use reference photos. If I am interested in using someones photograph to paint I look for copyright information first and if I see the information posted I don't use someones work at all. If I do not see any copyright information I will email the photographer to ask for permission and also show them my previous drawings and paintings that are online.

This is a fabulous website for photographs and some very talented photographers here. I would be honored to draw or paint anything that was posted here if I indeed had the talent to do so. As an artist, I have always had an eye for beauty and the world around me but since it is so hard to get out and see it myself I treasure what I can find on the internet. Just my two cents. Thank you all for sharing your talent. is the site you can see my previous attempts at drawing online.