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PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 11:20 pm
by grimbo
Hi, just wanted to add to all the great comments and help and that is to ask the couple getting married what groups they would like. As this is not always
the same for everyone, having had the experience to get everyone involved
but not in groups!.
Digital is great and forgiving, try a couple of test shots before the real stuff gets going just to make sure you are not over exposing or have the wrong
resolution pictures, the camera on manual focus when you think its in auto so everyone of your shots is slightly out of focus. Once it all starts to get going it
is easy to overlook these important details. Know your gear!!!!! as you wont have time to look through a manual when an important shot needs to be taken and the images are not what you expect.
Don't want to scare you, just be well prepared and have enough time to get ready and have fun.


Some other suggestions

PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2007 4:02 pm
by sbowers
for wedding photos from experience at my own wedding with our photog:

* Candids are great (the throw-away cameras given to the guests tend to stay with the guests and the couple never sees the photos). Take plenty.

* Try to shoot the formal portraits (group shots, bride, groom) before the wedding (of course bride & groom together must wait since he can't see her before the ceremony). This will save huge amounts of time since after the wedding -everyone- will be running around making merry and drinking.

* Bring a few throw-away cameras and let the bridesmaids take "candids" in the dressing room during the "getting in the dress" struggle, etc. (Unless you're priviledged to come in the room during).

* DO NOT let the bride walk in mud/wet leaves/etc just so you can compose a "good shot". My wife's shoes were destroyed when the photog tromped her through the mud. The bride's dress and accessories are of immense value to her. Since she can't see her feet in a poofy dress, be considerate and lead her around such obstacles.

* If the subject (especially the bride or groom) don't want to do a particular shot don't push it. We weren't thrilled when our photographer suggested he get a "nice low-angle" shot of the garter coming off. We wanted wedding photos not amateur porn.

* Take LOTS of CF cards and shoot -everything-. Later you can throw out the obvious junk. Let the couple choose a bunch of shots from your proof sheets. Best to err on the side of too many images than not enough.

* Photos of the groom dancing with the flower girl(s) are priceless

* Ditto for shots of the bride and ring bearer.

* Do NOT miss the father-of-the-bride/bride dance photos.

* Make every effort to get the other family-in-law/subject dance photos.

* Try to get the cake-eating shots "clean". If the bride and groom want to smash cake in each other's faces, let them do so AFTER you get at least a few "respectable" cake pictures. (Get the cake smash too).

* Get the hand-in-hand ring picture (with appropriate DOF, of course).