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Wide angle Panorama stitching

PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 1:00 pm
by beivushtang
i've used to use my 350d with a 35-135 and got plenty of really well stiched panorams (using panorama factory), now i've tried to take a few panoramas with a 17-70 lens and at 17 i always have stiching problems,

now I took this one at 21mm and it got out really good


but all the panoramas i took using 17mm got bad,
need to mention, i always (almost excepet for a few) do it hand held

Is it the wide angle, or the stitching program or maybe just bad luck?

btw, in this panorama ^ i used a polarizer, now i've read that's not good for panorama cause of the different light but this one got real good i think..

PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:49 pm
by thelund
To get the perfect result you really need to use a tripod, preferrably with a "panorama head", but even without you'll manage just fine...

That said I hardly ever use a tripod myself!

I'm using autostitch to stitch my panoramas, it does a good job most of the time, and when it doesn't it's usually nothing i can't fix altering the settings or photoshoping it afterwards!

I've used polarizers in panoramas too, as long as you don' turn the filter for every new shot it's no problem, except the sky may be darker in one part of the picture than another.


PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 12:28 am
by thazooo
When using the wider lens you may get a cleaner stitch using manual mode in panorama factory. Set 5 or 6 points for each stitch and the program should stitch it fine.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 5:39 pm
by simplephotography
Could it be because of the deformation of perspective at 17mm?