Board index PBase PaD Discussion Anyone Interested in a Weekly Challenge ?

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Anyone Interested in a Weekly Challenge ?

discuss photo-a-day projects
Posts: 2354

Anyone Interested in a Weekly Challenge ?

Post Tue Feb 21, 2023 9:17 pm

We used to do this one a few years ago and I'm wondering if rather than a daily challenge each month, perhaps one photo on one day of the week ?

Say " Wednesday Weekly Challenge " with the theme suggestion to be posted on a Saturday and the photo on the following Wednesday.

Any takers or additional ideas please feel free to respond here on this thread.


Posts: 3303
Location: San Diego, California

Re: Anyone Interested in a Weekly Challenge ?

Post Thu Mar 30, 2023 10:07 pm

Hi Laine,

Scott Coile and I hosted the Weekly Challenge from 2010-14. Already in June 2014 there was insufficient interest to continue. I wish there were more interest, but there isn't, as no one has answered your post from five weeks ago.


P.S. Here's the message ending the Weekly Challenge.


Post 19 Jun 2014 04:50 pm
Dear Weekly Challenge Participants,

We took on the task of continuing the Weekly Challenge in April 2010. The challenge had been started by Lee and Bev in 2006, and we felt at the time we took over from them that it was something of interest to participants and that it would provide interaction, promote friendship and hopefully makes us better and more observant photographers.

Upon review and reflection we have come to the conclusion that the Weekly Challenge in its present form has run its course and it is time for us to put it to rest. Even though we have tried to keep the challenge topics interesting and fresh, participation has been decreasing to the point that we feel it is no longer sufficiently of interest for us to continue. Perhaps challenges have run their course on PBase as similar decreases in participation can be seen with the Monthly Challenges and the Show & Tell Contests. Perhaps a break is needed, or perhaps someone else has an idea for a different format for the challenge.

We would like to thank you for your participation and support in the 218 challenges we posted in the last four years and wish you all much enjoyment and fulfillment in your photographic endeavors.

All the Best,

Scott and Walter
Walter Otto Koenig Architectural Photography:

General Photography:

Pacific Photographic Society:

Posts: 2354

Re: Anyone Interested in a Weekly Challenge ?

Post Sat Apr 01, 2023 1:51 am

Hi Walter,
I took part in those Weekly and the Thursday Challenges along with PAD ...I thought since PAD had not been done of late ( I had almost a year in 2022 of not posting at all ) perhaps a weekly might be easier to manage.
It was worth a shot...maybe another day :?


Board index PBase PaD Discussion Anyone Interested in a Weekly Challenge ?

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