Welcome to the September Scavenger Hunt.
Anyone is welcome to join. Invite your friends to join if you can think of someone who would be interested.
Pick from the list in any order. Post as many as you like, or try for all 39 or you can use 30 from the list for your PaD for 30 days.
Both old and new photos are welcome. Creative processing is welcome.
Two rules... be kind and please post a link to your photo in this thread.
We have an awesome list this month. Thanks to everyone who contributed these subjects.
1. Green
2. Sunlit
3. Sparkle
4. Wet
5. On the Run
6. Antique
7. Waiting
8. Sounds
9. Love
10. Shiny
11. Inscription
12. Casual
13. Night
14. Quote
15. Smoke
16. Yellow
17. Noir
18. Wide View
19. Blue
20. Pets
21. Leaf
22. House
23. Sleeping
24. Bowl
25. Mushroom
26. Harvest
27. Bridge
28. Red
29. Tree or trees
30. Light play
31. Weatherwise
32. Two (of)
33. Tasty
34. Peaceful
35. Pattern
36. Shapes
37. Song Poem or Proverb
38. Old
39. New