Thanks for the great contributions. I've added 5 more subjects to make 35 so we have more flexibility. Post one photo per day for 30 days (or as often as you can), using the subjects below, in any order. Old or new photos. Processing welcome.
1. Cool Clouds
2. Pets (pampered preferred)
3. Kitchen tool I never use
4. Tchotchke (Yiddish in origin. Bric-a-Brac or some inexpensive decorative piece. The word may also refer to free promotional items dispensed at trade shows, conventions, and similar commercial events.)
5. Birds
6. An interesting Fence (or make it interesting with photo processing)
7. Made of wood
8. Shades of Grey
9. Sticky and Sweet
10. Comfortable
11. Stripes
12. Rust
13. Red
14. Yellow
15. Green
16. Blue
17. Purple
18. Brown
19. Metal
20. Soft
21. Hard
22. Reflection
23. A silhouette
24. A letter
25. People
26. A macro
27. Wide lens
28. A window
29. Something in water
30. Birds XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX oops, on here twice - so I'm changing this to Looking UP
31. Beloved landscape
32. A Bridge
33. Big Tree
33. Wheels
34. Something homemade or handmade
35. Something important to you